
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 29, 2016 - 10:52 p.m.
"not so exciting sunday"

Hey Journal!

Today was another beautiful day of MDW16! Of course, tomorrow is supposed to be crappy so I wanted to make the most of today!

We got up around 9:00 this morning and for breakfast I just had a bowl of cereal. We got Crispix a few weeks ago and when we have them, I can't resist eating them...they're amazing... but then somehow we run out and I don't immediately get another box and I forget about them. It's tragic because they are the best.

After we ate we got dressed and ready and went out to the store. We went to Home Depot to get some things we needed for the pool so that we could start backwashing. Sadly, there was no change overnight with the pool and we were thinking that it COULD be because we didn't start doing the DE and backwashing right away. I don't even know.

So, at Home Depot we got some PVC pipe to fix the backwashing hose on the filter. See, last year we stretched a 1 1/2 inch hose over a 2" pipe and it really wasn't that great. The hose would fall off all the time, and it wasn't the correct set up anyway. This year, we got a 2" to 1 1/2" converter thingy and also bought a small length of 1 1/2 inch pipe so that we could connect the blue hose to the smaller end!

While we were there we also bought a "lopper" to us to cut back the dead branches of the butterfly bush!

When we got home, we got right to work. It was easy to connect the backwash hose and we started doing a little backwashing and cleaning out of the filter. While I was setting up the filter for the first use, Dan was cutting back the bush.

During all of those, those obnoxious carpenter bees were buzzing all around us. It was insane. I tried to take a few out with a rake and I actually had some success. Earlier, we had sprayed at one of their holes under the carport and one came out and died. Now, it was all out war over by the shed. Like I said, I hit one with a rake and then Dan and I were at the ready as more came by.

Dan sprayed into the holes in the shed and under the shingles and one really big one came out and died on the roof of the shed! It was crazy. We got about three today that I saw but we also saw a bunch of them fly out of the sprayed holes and they may have flown off but later bit the dust!

Anyway, with the filter running, I was hoping to see some improvement. I checked my journal entry from last year and found that the day after adding the Algae Control, I woke up to a completely blue pool and now I'm upset because it's been over 24 hours and we have zero results this year.

I really thought that after all we went through last year, we knew what we had to do and it wasn't going to be this bad again. I mean, first off, I thought that by closing it properly last year we wouldn't have had such a green pool to begin with, but now that we do, I thought we knew how to get rid of it. Apparently not!

After finishing with the pool we got changed and decided to go back to Home Depot to check out sheds. We really think we need a new one. Our current shed is falling apart at the bottom and needs major help. It's also very old looking. We priced it out and it would be about $3,000 installed. I don't know if it's worth it but at least now we know.

We also went over to Lowe's to see about their sheds. They had a smaller selection and they were actually much less appealing. They were kinda ugly.

On the way home we stopped at Target to take advantage of their $10 Gift Card when you buy $50 in groceries! YES! What a great deal... that's basically 20% off everything you buy. We get almost all of our stuff at Target and this is a perfect excuse to stock up. We got a lot of things that last for a while and we kept track and made sure we got to just over $50. Bam! (It's actually a lot harder than it seems.... we had to search for things we needed!)

Interestingly, we also found the loper we had gotten at Home Depot for much cheaper here at Target. We bought it here and will have to do a return of the more pricey one!

We came back home with our frozen goods and put them away. We did a few things around the house and then went out to spent some time enjoying the beautiful Memorial Day Sunday! Dan wasn't sure he wanted to go out at first but then he had a good time!

We didn't know where we were going when we left but we wound up getting pizza at Little Vincent's. I like Little Vincent's and it had been awhile since we were last there -- I think two years, though I'm not 100% certain... but as much as I enjoyed it, they are out of control. Their pizza is $15.19 -- 16.50 after tax. It's INSANE and HIGHWAY ROBBERY! I think $12 for a pie is too expensive so I really think they need a little adjustment.

We ate our pizza and then we headed back home. I had some laundry to do and Dan wanted to watch some baseball game on TV.

Now I'm heading off to bed because we're going to go out to IHOP for breakfast tomorrow morning and I'm exhausted.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"the search for ecto cooler" - June 03, 2016
"introduce the robot" or "flocculation" - June 02, 2016
"not really 500 questions" - June 01, 2016
"green to a little less green" - May 31, 2016
"green to green" or "leslie's favorite customers are back" - May 30, 2016