
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 30, 2016 - 10:45 p.m.
"green to green" or "leslie's favorite customers are back"

Hey Journal!

Happy Memorial Day! I keep forgetting that it's Monday but it was definitely nice to have a three-day weekend!

This morning I got up around 9:00 and got ready to go out to breakfast. I looked out the window when I woke up, hoping to see the pool looking much better than it had been yesterday. No such luck -- it was still the green swamp it's been since we took the cover off on Saturday. It's so disheartening that the Algae Control didn't work and now we're basically in the same position as last year. Feeling helpless.

I just don't understand why nobody can give us concrete instructions on what to do to fix this. Everything we hear is kinda "try this" "try that" and none of it works!

Anyway, we met my mom at IHOP at 9:45 for our Memorial Day Breakfast! My mom had arrived earlier than us and put her name on the list so as soon as we arrived we were ready to go! I got the 2x2x2 because they didn't have a real Specials menu today. They did, however, have a special dish -- the Red, White, and Blueberry pancake special. Dan got it, and while I think he enjoyed it, when it came out it looked NOTHING like the picture on the table tent.

The promotional picture was beautiful with amazing bacon, nice hash browns, and perfect eggs. Dan's came looking a little less appealing! Everything was slightly overcooked and the bacon was a shriveled mess. It was not quite as advertised!

It did, however, make for a great photo.

When we were done with breakfast, we went over to Target to get a present for Aunt Chickie's Granddaughter's baby's first birthday party We're taking my Grandma up to the party and we're actually staying around this time, so we figured we should bring a gift.

My mom had an extra 5% off coupon for Target, too! She said she got it in the mail and I want to know why I never get one of those in the mail! I really want one! We used to get random Target coupons in the mail back when we lived at our old place but then they stopped. It's like we've been forgotten. I've updated my addresses, so I don't know what to do.

Anyway, after got got the gift, we headed home. We had to work on our pool. We took a water sample and brought it to Leslie's to get it checked out. When we walked in, one of the kids from last summer was doing the testing. He immediately recognized us and asked if our pool was green! We told him it was.... here we go all over again! He's really nice, his name is James. We really must have made an impression last year! Well, we were in there SO MANY TIMES!

We wound up buying Green to Clean which we had also purchased last year. I'm a little skeptical since we got the same thing last year and it did nothing for our terribly green pool. I'm hoping we have better luck this time but again, we can never get any solid direction!

When we got home, we had to get the alkalinity up so we put in "Alkalinity Up." We were supposed to wait for hours for that to mix into the water before putting in the G2C, but while we were waiting we read that the pH should be raised to 8 before G2C. We tested after the four hours was up and the pH was still low so Dan went back to Leslie's on his way to the gym to get some Soda Ash. We put that in, too, and then did some backwashing and kept the filter running.

After putting in the Alkalinity Up, we came inside and watched last night's Game of Thrones. We also watched a little Match Game as well as a documentary about the behind the scenes of Match Game. It was actually very interesting. This show is just so perfect.

We also went out to Home Depot to return the loper we had bought yesterday that was much less expensive in Target. We also had the idea of possibly running a more permanent PVC pipe to help us with our backwashing so we wanted to check out the prices. We'd need a lot of tube and we estimated that it would cost about $100.

I think it would be cool but it's probably not work that much.

When we got home, that's when Dan went to the gym and got the Soda Ash. When he got back, we went right back to working on the pool. It's really a full time job getting the pool ready to go each season. I am DETERMINED to not let this happen again next year. Thankfully, that's a long time off, though! I just want to enjoy the summer this year, first!

Anyway, we just shocked the pool and we'll be waiting to see the results in the morning! I hope!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"paper towns" - June 05, 2016
"the search for ecto cooler" - June 03, 2016
"introduce the robot" or "flocculation" - June 02, 2016
"not really 500 questions" - June 01, 2016
"green to a little less green" - May 31, 2016