
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 01, 2016 - 10:38 p.m.
"not really 500 questions"

Hey Journal!

Well, tonight I am outraged! Dan and I watched the two hour finale of 500 Questions and that guy I mentioned last night, the one who was doing really well, made it all the way to the end of the show -- and then it ended. So he just gets cut off and we never get to see how far he could have gone? What a stupid ending! I'm not even really into this show...I didn't watch it until last night, but it just makes no sense!

Anyway, can you believe it's June already!?

This morning I got up and Dan and I tended to the pool. It seems like that's all we do now. I really hate pool opening. It's so tedious and frustrating!

I wound up going in to work a little late because I started skimming the pool!

It was just a really busy day in the office today and I felt like I couldn't keep up with all the craziness going on!

Later on, I had to go to Home Depot to make two copies of the security car key. One copy is for the mechanic and the other copy is for the guy who's going to be doing our security. The woman at the key copying station at Home Depot was REALLY nice. She had a special apron that said something like "Key Specialist"... I'm not sure if that was exactly it, but it was close!

Anyway, when I asked her to make two copies of the key she pointed to the price sticker which was $69! I guess she expected me to reduce my order because when I said, "Okay" she said, "You still want two?" I had to explain that we needed the keys for the two people who were going to be driving the car and that we had no choice. She was really friendly, though... much better than those people who usually do the keys!

On my way out, I saw that they had a good sale on those portable air conditioners like the one we have in the office at work! Steve's has been a mess for years and it barely ever works. The buttons are messed up and it takes forever to get the thing to turn on, if you even can! See, it has a thermostat that lets you set the temperature you want in the room.... when that temperature is reached, the AC turns off and the fan stays on. The problem is that by default it's set to 79 and when you press the down arrow, most of the time nothing happens. If something does happen, it usually goes UP instead of down -- and it's very rare that it actually goes down!

So, out with the old, in with the new. I wheeled the unit out to my car and then had to try to squeeze it into my back seat! It wouldn't fit in the trunk. I was trying to lift the giant box into the car when some guy came out of nowhere in the parking lot and helped me! That was a very nice thing to do. I appreciated it.

I headed back to work and then set up the AC. I had to unhook the old one and then I set up the new one. It wasn't very complicated but we had a little problem -- the new one has a much shorter hose so it needed to be up higher. The old one was on a milk crate to lift it up. II put it on a chair but it still didn't reach.

Eventually, we decided to move it to the corner of the room and put it on that wooden table that's always been there. Formerly the printer table when our offices were upstairs!

The good news is that the new unit works great and it made Steve's office nice and cool!

I worked like crazy for the rest of the day and on my way out I was so overwhelmed by how much of a mess my desk was that I grabbed a giant stack of papers off my desk and then took a bunch of folders out of the filing cabinet and took them home! (More about that in a minute!)

When I got home, I had good news! The pool was looking slightly better. Dan and I did the usual backwash and add DE, and then Dan went to the gym. He purchased another bottle of Algaecide to put in when he got home.

I feel like the first bottle was a total waste. We really put it in too soon and didn't have the filter going so nothing happened. There went $25 down the drain.

I did some laundry and showered up and then I put some lasagna into the oven to cook for dinner!

While I watched the news, I put out all the papers from work and sorted them out. I made folders of like-items, and tried to get everything organized. I threw out a bunch of stuff I had no use for anymore, and I made a couple of folders of miscellaneous crap but I am going to get those things taken care of first thing tomorrow morning. I feel like this is going to have a big impact on the state of my desk!

If all goes well, maybe I can grab another pile tomorrow!

Anyway, when Dan got home we had lasagna for dinner and then we watched 500 Questions... but you already know how that went.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"tv dinner and match game" or "treasure mountain and allie's playhouse" - June 06, 2016
"cold spring or bust" - June 05, 2016
"paper towns" - June 05, 2016
"the search for ecto cooler" - June 03, 2016
"introduce the robot" or "flocculation" - June 02, 2016