
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 03, 2016 - 11:09 p.m.
"rain: day one of six"

Hey Journal!

This morning on the way to work there was traffic like WOAH! It was such a mess. It was rainy and gross out and whenever there's rain, everyone forgets how to drive. I think there are a few people who are terrified of the rain and they clog up the roads for everyone.

I had to take an alternate route because the Northern State was so backed up.

It was really slow at work, of course, because nobody wanted to golf in this weather. Steve didn't come in today because he had to go to the doctor with Marilyn and then they were going out east to look at a horse.

Dan's mom came into work today to do a few things in the office before leaving for her vacation. She's going to San Antonio with her travel agent friends.

OVer the weekend she randomly developed a big bump on the side of her face... actually, that's how I imagined it when I heard about it but it's more like a big swollen bubble on the right side. It's caused when the salivary gland in your cheek gets blocked up. They don't know why it happened but she went to see an ENT yesterday and he said that she basically just has to wait for it to clear up. There's nothing currently lodged in it and he gave her antibiotics to make sure it doesn't get infected.

Anyway, they said it's looking better so hopefully it will be gone soon. Dan's dad is obsessed with it and it's all he talked about all day long.

At one point, Dan's mom asked him to do something in the office because he was literally doing no work and just staring at her face.

In the afternoon I did some more random office stuff and then I went upstairs to assemble a new piece of furniture for the restaurant. It's a little server station cart for the dining room. It will be replacing this table that's been over by the hostess area. The table really doesn't look so hot so this will be a nice alternative.

It was fairly easy to assemble... It was like an Ikea-type process although it looks more expansive than anything from Ikea! The hardest part was the granite top. It was SO HEAVY and it came in this box where it was inside a crate! I had to unscrew all of these wooden panels to free it!

Once I was finished with that, I had some random office work to get done and I left just a few minutes before 5:00 to head over to pick Dan up from work. He had to bring his (my) car to Toyota this morning for its 20,000 mile free checkup! I can't believe it's been 20,000 miles already AND that was the last of the free service visits! :(

I picked Dan up across the street from the entrance and we headed over to the Toyota place. I dropped him off there and then headed home.

Dan went out for a walk when he got home and I went out to get pizza for dinner. We got the Family Feast from Main Street. I think their price went up slightly over the past year and it's not as big of a deal on the Family Feast but on the individual pie it's ridiculous!

Dan's Dad came over for dinner around 7:30 and we ate our pizza at the table and then went into the family room to watch the Indiana election coverage! Originally, Dan had planned to go over and watch a Mets game with his Dad after dinner but it got late fast and there was a lot of crazy things happening that we wanted to watch. Cruz backed out of the election and Trump has now won the nomination. It's ridiculous. I really don't agree with the things he says and I can't imagine him as President BUT I think he completely deserved to be the party's nominee and the way they were attacking him and conspiring to steal it from him was disgusting!

Anyway, Dan's dad left around 9:30 and we watched tonight's Real O'Neals and then SHIELD! I love's such a good show... I'm just on the edge of my seat and I need more to happen in the next few episodes. Tonight I felt like it was good but it moved a little slowly and I need a little more from each episode!

So now it's time for bed... later than I would have hoped but we had a busy night.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"mother's day" - May 08, 2016
"preparations for mother's day breakfast" - May 08, 2016
"the creepy jungle book" - May 07, 2016
so little happened that i have no title at all - May 05, 2016
"chinese meeting" or "new graphics" - May 04, 2016