
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 24, 2016 - 10:55 p.m.
"rain today, heatwave tomorrow!"

Hey Journal!

For some reason, I keep thinking that today is Monday. Well, I'm lucky that it isn't and I'm also really looking forward to a THREE DAY WEEKEND! Wahoo!

Interestingly enough, we don't have any plans for MDW16.

Today I got up and was super-tired. I had such a hard time getting out of bed. Even though I was fine when I finally got moving -- I was SO exhausted again on my way home from work. It was weird!

Work was pretty good today. The big issue of the day was that the golf shop rang up the weekend's tournament incorrectly. They charge $75 per person when the advertised price was $78 per person! Ugh! It wasn't that big of a deal for me, though, because they had to correct it. They had to void EVERY single transaction and then re-ring it. Insanity!

In the afternoon we had a meeting about this year's Labor Day events. I was glad we did it so early this year because there were a LOT of items I brought up that we had discussed after last year's but everyone seemed to have forgotten about. It's like, after last year, we all said we should do THIS or THAT differently next year, and then we started to talk about it and nothing had all of the old stuff was still the way we didn't want it!

Anyway, we're on the right track now, I hope.

I left work at 5:00 and headed home. When I got home I got the itch to work on something new for the Timeclock system for work. I needed to add a message when people clock in to remind them about parking in the back of the parking lot on Fridays, and in the employee area every other day.

After I finished that I worked on a little redesign of the main page of the software. I made it a little easier to navigate and added cool little buttons instead of a long list of text.

When I was done, I took a shower and then watched Match Game and Judge Judy! The night went by pretty quickly! For dinner I had a frozen pizza, and now it's time to wind down and get to sleep!

I am soooo looking forward to it being HOT tomorrow. I can't believe it's finally going to feel like summer! And that reminds me... before I get to sleep I'd better check what the overnight temperatures are going to be tomorrow... if it stays hot, I'll have to put the AC on the for the first time!

Okay, now it's time to get to sleep... Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"not so exciting sunday" - May 29, 2016
"zombies" - May 28, 2016
"three-day weekend, here we come" - May 27, 2016
"match game is coming back and i'm not sure i can handle it" - May 26, 2016
Hold - May 25, 2016