
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 26, 2016 - 11:12 p.m.
"match game is coming back and i'm not sure i can handle it"

Hey Journal!

Let me start off tonight by saying that I'm very concerned about the Match Game!

I know, this is crazy... but I'm having some strong feels! First off, you know that I am in love with the Match Game from the 70s! Match Game 74-78 are absolutely amazing in no small part because of Gene Rayburn, Brett Somers, Charles Nelson Reilly, and Richard Dawson! The show is incredible.

Years ago, I remember watching it for the first time in Dan's basement and then a long period of time went by where I didn't see it. Then, a few months ago, I discovered this channel that plays four episodes of it a day and I've been recording it while I'm at work to watch when I have time in the evenings.

I am very very confident in saying that this is my favorite game show of all time and it's up there with Ducktales as the best TV show ever. Anyway, everything about this show, from the set to the music to the weird consolation prizes make it so amazing to watch.

Just a few weeks ago I was thinking how I would love to remake this game show (as if I do that kind of thing.) I was also thinking about how if it was re-made today it wouldn't have some of the amazing qualities...for example, they would probably use electronic screens instead of writing on paper and I feel like that would take away from it.

So, I decided that it would be best to leave the show in the past as the amazing creation that is was.

Then, about two weeks ago I started seeing commercials for this new Sunday Game Night on ABC this summer. There was no description, no details. Fast forward to a few nights ago when they announced that one of the shows in this Game Night package would be MATCH GAME! And it would be hosted by Alec Baldwin. I was all sorts of concerned about this.

Now, fast forward AGAIN to a commercial I just saw this evening. Alec Baldwin giving a weird synopsis of the game to the youth of america who no doubt have never heard of this show before. Forget all that -- what he said made no sense. They played the ORIGINAL music in the background AND displayed the original logo! That made me so happy.

I'm really having mixed feelings because I feel like Alec Baldwin as the host is weird BUT at the same time I can't pick any celebrity I think would be a better choice off the top of my head. It's just that nobody is Gene Rayburn. I am also hopeful that the set will be much like it was. I really need that. So, Music and logo are the same. Good start, but I am so scared that they are going to ruin something that I love.

Oh, and let me be abundantly clear that I LOVED this show before it was new again and I when I talk about the Match Game don't think I'm talking about it because I watched this new reincarnation. No, it's because I love and appreciate the original!

I'm already losing sleep over this. See, just writing this is making me get to bed later so it's true.

Okay- Reset- back to this morning:

I got up at 8:00 and got ready for work. When I got to work, I started cranking stuff out. I had so much random stuff to get done today.

For lunch, I had the prime rib sandwich and at 2:00 we had a call with our lawyers. It was a really pointless call. THey made such a big deal of it and then they had nothing of importance to say.

I wound up leaving work at 4:30 and headed home. Earlier this morning, my Grandma had called me to say that she was having a problem with her central air conditioning. She couldn't get it to turn on and she called the repair people but they couldn't come until next Tuesday! Anyway, I said I would come by after work.

I came home, got changed, and then headed over there. I got there at 6:30. I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to fix the AC but it turned out to be really simple... it was just one of the circuits that we turned off. I turned it back on and then everything was working fine.

While I was there, my Grandma insisted that I have some steak for dinner, so I ate and then hung out for a little while. My Grandma was telling me that she had just gotten the results from an allergy test today and it turns out that she's allergic to salmon all of a sudden!

I left around 8:00 and came home. When I got back I got changed again and went on a walk. It was such a nice night out, I just couldn't bear NOT to!

Usually when Dan's gone I try to spend some time getting stuff done around the house but I still have time to watch some TV but this week I've been so busy and in a way it's been better!

I got home from my walk and took a shower and watched Match Game, of course...

Now it's time for bed.... Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"green to a little less green" - May 31, 2016
"green to green" or "leslie's favorite customers are back" - May 30, 2016
"not so exciting sunday" - May 29, 2016
"zombies" - May 28, 2016
"three-day weekend, here we come" - May 27, 2016