
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 22, 2016 - 10:25 p.m.
"lunch with dan"

Hey Journal!

What a crazy day we've had today. There was a lot of driving involved!

We got up this morning and headed towards Worcester!

I didn't have too much to eat today -- which is weird... I don't really know why. All I had for breakfast was a donut from 7-11 and that held me over until lunch!

Around 12:00, we went to Wegman's and stocked up on all the things we like to get whenever we're in range! We got some soaps for the bathroom but it's unfortunate that their best scents are fall and christmas. They have no really good flavors out now!

Another AMAZING purchase was their lemonade. I know it sounds weird...but it's the best lemonade I've ever had! I got it a few years ago and the last few times we were there, they didn't have it. I wonder if they only sell it during the summer. In any case, it was there today and It was on sale! When I got home later in the evening I had forgotten JUST how amazing it really is!

For lunch, we had plans to meet up with our friend Dan who lives nearby. This is the Dan who hosts the trivia we've been to a few times when we've been up this way. We planned to meet at 1:00 at The Boynton. I checked out the menu on the way there and I was pretty happy with the selection on the menu. They had a turkey meal that I was really interested in!

Dan messaged us to let us know he had arrived a few minutes before 1 and we were just about 6 minutes away. We got in and found Dan, he had gotten a table already. The place was interesting -- it had so many levels! Like, you'd take a few steps up and there would be a dining area off to the left and then if you went up a little more, there was another room of the restaurant off to the side. It was a very unique setup.

Dan (okay, this is confusing already!)... Dan (M) got a flight of beers. There was a large selection to choose from and he had a hard time deciding on which he wanted to sample!

Our waitress memorized our orders and we weren't all that confident in her ability to remember it all! She actually did a very good job. The only thing the didn't come out as planned was my meal. I requested NO cranberry sauce, but it came anyway. It wasn't a big deal -- and to be honest it was probably the kitchen's fault and not hers -- or at least that's what she wanted us to think! lol

Anyway, we had a good time hanging out with Dan (B)! We talked about all kinds of random things, he told us about his job, his relatively new boyfriend, and other things going on. We talked about some of the things going on with us, although there's not all that much! Dan (B) also messaged us some picture rounds from his previous Trivias and we TRIED our hardest to figure out some of them. We were best at naming the yellow cartoon characters and not too good at the movie ones. I really feel like movies and TV shows other than shows on ABC are our downfall when it comes to trivia. We have history, current events, geography and science down pretty well.

I would say that, for me, I am most confident in current news events.

Anyway, we hung out there for a while and at 3:00 we said our goodbyes and headed home. We did, however, say that we should go to an Escape Room in NYC some time. I'm all for that, so I'm hoping we can actually make it happen soon!

The journey home wasn't too bad. I think we were able to beat a lot of the Sunday night traffic but we did hit a little bit of congestion. Like I said, we left at 3:00 and we didn't get home until about 7:10.

We went right over to my Grandma's house because I had a feeling she wanted to see Dan before he went off on his trip again this week. When we arrived, my Aunt Regina was there and everyone was surprised at how many visitors had stopped by!

The story is that, earlier this morning my Aunt Janice and Alexandra stopped by. Then later on a friend of my Grandparent's stopped over. My Aunt Regina came by during that, and after, Christen, Mikey, and Theresa came by. Then, just minutes after they left, Dan and I showed up!

They were very popular people today!

We sat down at the kitchen table for a little while and my Grandma gave us pasta for dinner. I wasn't hungry when we arrived and I wasn't even thinking about food but once she suggested it I thought I could really go for some pasta with sausage.

While we were eating, the doorbell rang! We couldn't believe that SOMEONE ELSE would be stopping by! It was my Uncle Charlie. He had come by to see if my Aunt was still over.

Dan and I stayed for a little while longer and then headed home around 8:30.

When we got back, Dan went on his walk and I did some random stuff around the house. I showered up and then at about 9:10 we started to watch tonight's Game of Thrones!

I felt like it was an okay episode but I have one question and one complaint. Question - How did those tree people MAKE the white walker guy? I mean, I saw them stick a stake into him -- but how does that make dead people reanimate and attack people with ice?

And complaint: Hodor? Really? So -- it seems to have gotten a lot of reaction and I feel like him dying while 'holding the door' was such a gimmick. Secondly, what exactly made him have that moment, all those years ago? I get that Bran was there in the raven-like vision but how did that do what it did? I'm so confused. I just didn't care about hodor like everyone else did, based on the reactions. That was one of the least shocking deaths for me in this show.

So, now it's time for bed. Back to work... another week of fun!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"three-day weekend, here we come" - May 31, 2016
"match game is coming back and i'm not sure i can handle it" - May 26, 2016
Hold - May 25, 2016
"rain today, heatwave tomorrow!" - May 24, 2016
"is summer finally coming?" - May 23, 2016