
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 08, 2016 - 10:47 p.m.
"the road to recovery"

Hey Journal!

What an ordeal to write my journal tonight! I came upstairs and the computer had restarted itself. As much as I love this older computer, running Windows XP like a pro, it takes a while to get from the Windows login screen to the desktop. It just loads a bunch of stuff that takes forever. Maybe some day I should look into that... I'm sure there are a few things I don't need anymore.

Just looking a the taskbar I can see a few -- the Southwest DING! program, for one.... that stopped working YEARS ago! I also have a few other programs that do nothing!

Anyway, I got up this morning and I was feeling better. I actually woke up on my own around 7am and got up to go to the bathroom. I was feeling good and contemplated not going back to sleep, but really...was that ever going to happen?

I went back to sleep and woke up at 8 feeling groggy and tired. The usual. I felt fine to go to work and I haven't taken any medicine all day. My runny nose has subsided although I still do have a lot of snots.... it just isn't running and I've severely cut down on the number of blows!

The day at work was good, I got a lot accomplished. I had a ton of CPC things to do. I picked up the mail at the PO Box and then I processed a bunch of contracts.

I also got all the monthly billing out in the mail.... the ones I stuffed last night while watching TV!

In the morning I had to deal with a semi-major issue -- this lunatic woman who wanted to hold her golf outing this coming Monday. See, she had done outings in the past but she always had trouble paying for them. She strung us out for months and we had to sue her.

Anyway, for whatever reason (the reason is because no other place will do business with her) she keeps wanting to do her outing with us. Last year, we agreed on the condition that all money was paid BEFORE we would reserve the date.

She did it last year and she came up with the money in January, so there was no problem. This year, she called about three weeks ago and said she wanted to do it. By chance, we had a date open. We told her she had to pay by June 1 in order to secure it.

She didn't, so that was that. Until YESTERDAY when she called to pay, expecting that everything was on for her event. What a lunatic.

Anyway, she is notorious for playing people. She tells a different tale to Dan's mom, Dan's Dad, and me. She's like a child asking their parents the same question hoping to get the answer she wants.

Cut to the chase - I had to step in. When she called to finalize things with Dan's mom, I answered and told her Bank Check, full amount, tomorrow or no outing. She agreed, and so now we wait and see!

I didn't have any lunch today -- I actually brought a bag of pretzels to work with me today and I snacked on them all day. It was really all I was in the mood for.

I left work at 5 and I had cancelled my plans to walk with Re and Lau. I was going to meet them at the walking park at 6 but with it being cold, me still not being over being sick, AND the impending rain... I figured it was best to bow out.

In the end, Re and Lau called it off, too because of the weather. Re wanted my help with something so I headed over there after work and helped her assemble a desk.

Re got soup for us for dinner from Panera. She ordered chicken noodle and sadly, she got broccoli cheddar. So, I had no soup, but I did have the french bread at least!

I left around 8 and headed home.

I showered up and then watched some episodes of Match Game!

I just talked to Dan for a little bit... the time difference makes it so hard to communicate while he's away because when I'm on my way to work, he's still sleeping and when I'm getting ready for bed he's still working! What a mess!

Anyway, I'm off to bed now... Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"maniac outing monday" - June 13, 2016
"cameron's game" or "ihop for breakfast for us - lunch for connor" - June 12, 2016
"ofs baptism" - June 12, 2016
"gotta get better for the weekend" or "dan's home" - June 10, 2016
"grandpa's 89th birthday" - June 09, 2016