
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 19, 2016 - 10:46 p.m.
"401k tuesday"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up and headed off to work. I spent the morning prepping for the day of 401k meetings and stuff we had planned. The financial advisor for our plan had made arrangements with me to come in this afternoon and talk to people one on one about joining the plan and getting in on the benefits of the 401k.

He sent me some enrollment packets and other information that I wanted to get together. I also tried to confirm who was going to meet with the guy. A lot of people had expressed interest in meeting with him and I made a list of them. It looked like we were going to have a lot of interest, so I asked the guy to come for a longer period of time. Then, this morning, so many people dropped out. They either forgot, changed their mind, or had something come up. It was nuts.

I tried to clean my desk off a little and I was moderately successful. I feel like there's a weird summer lull going on right now and I am liking it.

Re came in and did a lot of work today. Lots of closes and the other usual things.

The 401k guy arrived at 1:00 and I met with him for about 45 minutes. We went over the plan, the health of the plan, and he had a really cool report that I've never seen before. It showed all of these reports of plan participants and it was very interesting.

Re and I had lunch around 3:30 and sat out on the patio. It was a cool day, but not cold. It was much cooler than it's been the past few days and there was a nice breeze. It was actually a perfectly comfortable day out. We sat on the patio and Re had a salad, I had sausage from the employee meal. I ate so many of them that I just decided not to order lunch and keep eating more sausage.

I left work at 5 and as soon as I got home I went out on a bike ride! I got some good Pokemon including a Krabby! It was much more fruitful than yesterday!

When I got home I showered up and as soon as Dan got home from the gym we watched World News and then last night's Major Crimes.

Next, we watched the convention. It's a real circus....

Anyway, now it's time for bed.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"cameron's birthday observed" - July 24, 2016
"hot summer days and hot summer nights" - July 24, 2016
"pool with alec" - July 23, 2016
"pokevision" - July 21, 2016
"same parma, different location" - July 20, 2016