
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 24, 2016 - 12:53 a.m.
"hot summer days and hot summer nights"

Hey Journal!

Dan and I got up pretty early today! We woke up around 8:00 and we really didn't get to bed until about 2:30! Yikes! We decided to go out to breakfast and we also had to drop Dan's car off at the Toyota place to get it's 25,000 mile checkup -- the last of the FREE Toyota Care services.

After that we went to Javier's for breakfast with Alec. Alec wasn't feeling well at first and he only order and Iced Coffee and and Iced Tea, which I think really confused out waitress! lol

After breakfast we came back here, said goodbye to Alec, and then we headed to the outlets in Deer Park. It was only about 11am but it was SO HOT already! I knew I was going to love this day!

Dan wanted to get some new shirts and pants for work and I really don't like shopping for clothes like that. I like to pick up clothes for myself randomly while shopping for other things and not spend time trying things on and looking around too much.

However, while Dan was doing that, I walked around the outlets searching for Pokemon! I did get a few good ones and also found a gym to do a little battle!

Dan found what he needed and also got some new shoes. We left the outlets and then came home because I had forgotten to turn the solar heater on for the pool. I didn't want to miss out on the prime rays of the sun today!

I was so excited by today's weather! This is what SUMMER is about! It was HOT and sunny all day long and it stayed nice and warm into the evening! In fact, when we finished dinner around 8:30, it was still 90 degrees and now it's still about 80! Perfect summer weather when you can be out at night and really enjoy it!

THIS is the kind of summer night I remember from when I was little, trying to sleep in the heat with the window fan going and, if I was lucky, the cool old box fan with the weird push-buttons!

In some ways I feel like I would like to turn off the AC in the house and just open the windows to have that summer-night feeling again -- but then again, it's really nice to be sufficiently cooled in your own home. :)

Anyway, after turning on the solar heater we went to Price Club. Dan needed to get some goods. On the way home we stopped at the Toyota place to pick up Dan's car. Everything was good with it but they let us know that they had to cut off one of the lug nuts on the tire that had become "seized!" She said it's not our fault, that it can happen when it's over tightened, and that they must have done it the last time. Woops. Well, they fixed it for free so that's good.

When we got home, we took a little break to watch an episode of Shameless. After that we got ready to take a dip in the pool.

Kristen came over around 2:30 and had planned to cool off with us in the water but she was unable to partake due to unforeseen circumstances. Instead, she dangled her feet into the pool and we talked about the possibility of her putting an offer on a nice house right around the corner from us. It's actually .7 miles away. Walking distance AND on a really nice street.

After the pool we hung out and then we went to take a look at the house. We drove by and checked it out from the street. If she can get them down a little on the price I think it would be a good move.

When we got back here, Kristen departed and Dan and I got ready to go out to dinner with Lau and Ryan. We had planned to go to Buffalo Wild Wings and we met there at 7:00.

When we first got there, Lau saw a kid who she knows from Stony Brook and she took a snapchat of him and sent it to him. She was waiting for him to see it and realize, but he never did! He got up and left and then must have seen it outside because they came back in to say hello!

Dinner was fun and Ryan was LOVING the soundtrack at Buffalo Wild Wings. I got the Naked Tenders and lamented the flatbread pizza. It was taken from the menu too soon.

After dinner we decided to go to Sonic for some dessert. When we got there we had to wait about 10 minutes or so for a spot and once we finally pulled in, it took us another ten minutes to analyze the menu and decide what to get. I love Sonic. They have great stuff but their menu is so complex, and there are so many options with each drink. It took us forever to decide what we wanted!

I wound up getting a frozen lemonade. In retrospect I should have gone for my traditional orange slush but I wanted to branch out. I also ordered a grilled cheese and they forgot to bring it to me on the first run. We had to re-order it!

We had a fun time and, when we finished, Lau and Ryan dropped us off at our car which we had parked over at the Commack South Target.

Dan and I made a quick trip up to the golf course to get something we needed and then headed home.

We got back here around 11:30 and now we're off to bed soon. We were supposed to go to Relish with Kristen in the morning but we decided to take a raincheck because we want to sleep a little later to catch up on missed sleep last night. Then, we need to get a present for Cameron's birthday and be there to help set up for the party around 11:30!

Now we're off to bed and let me just say, one more time, how amazing today was! This weekend is SUMMER! I love it! It needs to last forever.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"conventional" - August 28, 2016
"mussel mishap" - July 27, 2016
"88 degrees in the pool" - July 26, 2016
"un-convention-al monday" - July 25, 2016
"cameron's birthday observed" - July 24, 2016