
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 28, 2016 - 11:28 p.m.

Hey Journal!

So, Dan leaves tomorrow for his big trip to Japan! I can't believe he's going to be gone for TEN DAYS! What am I going to do with myself? The scary part is that although it seems like I really long time it will be over before I know it AND I won't have felt like I did anything while he was gone!

This morning work was pretty quiet and I had a meeting with Karen to go over a church that has ALWAYS been a pain in the butt. It's just that they have had so many different people working on the program for the church and nobody ever knows what's going on. It was one of the first churches we ever sold to and, as a result, some things from the very beginning were a little out of sorts.

In the afternoon I went to Target to get some stuff for Dan! Since he's leaving tomorrow I wanted to make him a little bag to take on the plane with some snacks and things to do. I got this really cool drawstring bag that has a monster face on it and then I got things like trail mix, goldfish, fruit snacks, and puzzle games to do on the plane.

I also got a little picture frame and put a picture of us in it so that he could put it in his hotel room! How random, I know! I liked the idea!

At 2:00 we had a phone call with our lawyer to go over something and then I departed at 5:00.

I got home and Dan did some packing. I gave him his little package of gifts and he really like it!

Later on, we went for a walk and when we got back we showered up and then got Domino's for dinner! I had to buy a new gift card at and it usually takes about 45 minutes to be delivered -- this time it SAID it wasn't going to be delivered until tomorrow but in the end it came as usual! Phew!

We had some TV shows to catch up on and we had planned to watch Major Crimes tonight. Annoyingly, the TiVo had recorded the new episode on Monday and then deleted it to record a repeat episode on Wednesday. I have no idea why this would have happened, though, because we have it set for NEW only. Why would it record last week's episode that we had already seen!?

Anyway, we wound up watching the one we needed to watch using the TNT app. It was a terrible experience, though -- AirPlay doesn't work right with that crappy app so I had to put it on mirroring instead. What a mess.

We also had time to fit in one episode of Shameless and then the convention. We watched Hillary give her speech and, while she was doing that, we also cut up the watermelon that we got last weekend. This one had NO SEEDS AT ALL! It was a true seedless watermelon. Remember kids, NEVER buy "Gibson Select Seedless Watermelon" -- it's the worst and has tons of seeds. I'm glad I've learned my lesson!

Anyway, now it's time for bed. In the morning I'm driving Dan to work and then he's off to Japanese-land!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"jc's for snacks" - August 02, 2016
"blind as a zubat" - August 01, 2016
"a trip to cold spring" - July 31, 2016
"pokemon frenzy at the park -- in the rain" - July 30, 2016
"dan leaves for japan" - July 30, 2016