
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 30, 2016 - 11:42 p.m.
"pokemon frenzy at the park -- in the rain"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up at about 9:00 which was earlier than I had planned. I didn't get to bed until about 1:30 last night so I was hoping to get a really long night's sleep! The reason I woke up was that I got a notification on my phone that Dan's plane had landed in Japan!

I tried to get back to sleep but then about 15 minutes later Dan texted me to tell me they had landed and he sent me some pictures from his trip so far!

I got up and watched some TV when I woke up -- I watched some of the gameshow Blockbusters and then Super Password. My mom called me and I asked her if she wanted to go swimming in the pool for a little bit.

She came over and we went to Target first because I needed to stock up on food for while Dan's away! This past week I've been hungry several times and we have NOTHING in the house to satisfy that hunger. I got soup, a TV dinner, frozen pizza, and MILK. We were out of milk and every night I would crave a bowl of cereal and I was taunted because we have so much cereal and zero milk! Ugh!

When we got back, we went in the pool. It was a pretty warm day out -- maybe about 84 degrees. The only problem was that it was a little cloudy. It turned out to be okay, though -- it got a little sunnier as we were in the pool AND it only got cloudier as the day went on so we really did go in at the best time.

After swimming for a while we got out and had lunch outside. My mom bought Uncrustables so we ate them and hung out in the yard for a little bit. Then, I went inside and took a shower quickly to get the pool off of me.

We watched one episode of Pyramid and then my mom left around 2:00.

I put some laundry into the washing machine -- the sheets from our guest room -- and then I watched one episode of the show "Girls" which Linda recommended to me.

I left home around 3:00 and headed over to Linda's. Before I left I checked PokeVision and saw a Koffing nearby at the CVS by Dan's parents' house. I hurried over there but it disappeared about one second before I got there. Literally. I'm so upset because Koffing is so amazing and I REALLY want to catch one and I've had no luck so far. It's just unfair.

I got to Linda's at about 4:00. There was some traffic on the Sagtikos due to an accident on the other side of the road.

We hung out at the house for a little bit and played this game called Doggie Do or something like that. Basically you put this Gak like substance into the god's mouth and you take turns pulling the trigger until it comes out of his butt! Whoever collects the most poop wins.

When Dan left for work at about 4:30, we went to the park to look for Pokemon! It was raining a little bit, but we figured we'd brave the elements in the great hunt!

We got to the park and there were lots of Pokemon around according to Pokevision. We started hunting them down and our search yielded a few good ones and led us over to the lake. When we arrived, there were SO MANY PEOPLE PLAYING THIS GAME! It was ridiculous! I've only ever run into one person who I could tell was clearly playing the game, too and I tried my hardest to pretend I wasn't playing it to avoid the awkwardness. This was the total opposite. EVERYONE was playing it. There had to be at least 40 people. Oh, and did I mention by this time it was POURING! Yes, we were not the only ones out IN THE RAIN catching Pokemon and competing at the gyms!

Later, we wound up under a big tree seeking shelter from the rain and it just so happened that there were a bunch of Pokestops nearby! We stayed there for about 20 minutes or so and there were so many other people! There were lots of Lure Modules going, lots of Pokemon appearing, and - believe it or not - Connor and Cameron were the youngest there by far! The majority was people in their 20s with some teens and a handful of adults! It was wild.

I never expected that much craziness. Not even on a nice sunny day. This was a rainy and crappy day and it was still so intense!

As weird as it is, it was kinda cool. I think it's cool to be a part of this game with other people! It also validates me -- I'm not the only one obsessed with this game (I mean, we knew that from all the news reports... but still!)

The rain kept coming and eventually we headed back to the car. We went back to Linda's house to get some items she needed to return to Target and then we went to Applebee's for dinner. We had a weird waiter who kept coming over to explain to us what he was doing and/or why he wasn't able to help us at that moment.

For example, his friend encounter with us he told us that that he was going to go back to the kitchen, check on the food for his other tables, and then he would be back to get our drink order. Then, throughout the meal he kept doing things like that -- giving overly detailed reports of what he was doing that had nothing to do with us.

Linda and I did the two for twenty and after we ate we went to Target. She did her returns and we perused the goods and Cameron tried on some gardening regalia. A smock, a floppy hat, gloves, and had a hoe in hand. We also played with the plungers. The best way to keep kids (or me) occupied. Plunging the floor!

Before heading back we went to Wedny's to get Frosty's! We ate them back at the house and then we took a walk over to CVS at 9:30.

Earlier in the week Dan's mom had told me about these tablets that you stick to the inside of your mouth at night and they keep you from waking up with a dry mouth. I didn't think of it at the time but I've been waking up with what feels like a sore throat for a while now and it always goes away after a few hours. I thought this might be worth a try. I am going to give it a whirl tonight.

When we got back we watched Adam Ruins Everything -- a show Connor really likes and wanted to show me.

I left around 10:15 and got home around 11. I talked to Dan briefly on the way home and he was just starting his Sunday in Japan! They were going to a marketplace or something like that and he couldn't talk for long!

I have to get up at 9:00 tomorrow because I'm driving my mom and my Grandparents up to Cold Spring for a wake. Aunt Chickie's sister-in-law died recently and we're going to go up for that. I looked at the weather and it looks like it's going to be pretty rainy all day!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"kitchen cabaret" - August 04, 2016
"lost in the woods: a hike to remember" or "eye examination" - August 03, 2016
"jc's for snacks" - August 02, 2016
"blind as a zubat" - August 01, 2016
"a trip to cold spring" - July 31, 2016