
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 21, 2016 - 10:09 p.m.

Hey Journal!

Today I found a great website that tells you all the Pokemon located near you, exactly where they are, and how long they'll be there for! It's really a handy little guide to have! In fact, I just took a walk down the street after seeing that a Nidrina was located at the end of our street! It was there for 5 more minutes so I made my way where and, sure enough, it was waiting for me!

This morning I got up and headed off to work. I had a good morning, nothing too wild going on, but I got to work and got everything I needed to get done taken care of.

The day went by quickly and I cleaned up the office a little and prepared a list of things I need to talk to Steve about tomorrow when he comes in!

For lunch today I had pasta with chicken and broccoli. It was very good and looked really nice, too!

I left work at 5:00 and headed home and as soon as I got home I got ready to go out on my bike ride. I found some good Pokemon today.... a Jigglypuff and a few other interesting ones -- one that I didn't have before... I just don't remember which one that was now!

I got home, showered up, and then Dan got home from the gym and we watched World News. I had SpaghettiOs for dinner and then we watched episode of Shameless. Dan wanted to waited the convention so we put that on, went outside and shocked the pool, and then cut up a watermelon. It was another Gibson Select (only because that's all they had left at Price Club) and it was weird and mealy. I said it before but now I really mean it -- even if it's the only one left... I will NOT buy a Gibson watermelon again.

So, now we're just getting ready for bed. Tomorrow's supposed to be another hot one and the weekend weather is looking excellent! Very excited!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"88 degrees in the pool" - July 26, 2016
"un-convention-al monday" - July 25, 2016
"cameron's birthday observed" - July 24, 2016
"hot summer days and hot summer nights" - July 24, 2016
"pool with alec" - July 23, 2016