
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 11, 2016 - 10:46 p.m.
"candelabra bulbs"

Hey Journal!

This morning when I got up, Dan said that he had called in to work and, although he was feeling much better, he didn't feel like he would be able to get ready, go to work, and make it through the whole day. His manager told him that he could work from home today and he already had his laptop and stuff with him, so he was able to do that!

I headed off to work and it was a busy day for me. I had a bunch of random things going on. In the morning Kathleen told me that I had a phone call from someone named "Dorothy." She said she asked where they were from and the person said, "he'll know who I am." I was confused, but when I answered it was Dorothy who used to work here! It all made sense, then! She needed to come by and pick up something for her dad.

I didn't have lunch today because, by the time I realized I was hungry, it was almost time to leave and I knew Dan was making dinner.

So, around 1:00 I went out to Price Club to get some LED candelabra bulbs for the restaurant. We are replacing all the bulbs in the restaurant with them and they're going to look so nice! The only catch is that you are only allowed to buy six at a time. It's ridiculous. So Jackie has gone a bunch of times, Steve the mechanic did as well, and I went twice today.

When I got there, there were none on the shelves. I looked all around and couldn't find any. I asked at the help desk and the woman checked the computer. It said there were none in stock. Weird. As I was leaving, I saw a woman pushing a cart out from customer service and there were a bunch of bulbs on it! She said I could take them, so I scarfed up the six pack limit and brought them to the register!

When I got back to work, Dorothy had just arrived and was talking to Jackie in the kitchen. She had her baby with her and was telling us what she's been up to since it's been so long since we had seen her!

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly and I left at 4:00 to head home and, on the way, I made another Price Club stop. This time I went to the Commack location which had plenty of bulbs in stock.

Since Dan had stayed home from work today, he decided to make dinner and went out to the store to get some ingredients. Since he has to eat pretty light stuff for a while, he decided to make one of my favorite -- the Campbell's Chicken and Rice Casserole! He was afraid he had found the wrong recipe because the one he found online had broccoli in the photo. It's weird because while the photo has broccoli in it, the recipe says nothing about broccoli at all. Very strange!

I got home around 4:40 and dinner was almost done! We ate and watched the news! It was very very good. I loved it! What a perfect meal!

After dinner we went out to Best Buy to look at stoves. We were contemplating getting a new one to spruce up the kitchen a little. Our old stove is okay but it is a little old looking. In the end, we decided to postpone that decision, though.

Before Best Buy we stopped at Home Depot to do some returns! We had a bunch of things to get rid of. The original attic vent, an extra thermostat, and a bunch of drop cloths. In total we got back about $88! Nice!

Then we made one final stop at Target. They're really changing the place up. New registers are being installed and they've repainted. It's not red anymore... it's like a weird tan. It wasn't even that long ago that they painted everything red. I liked it that way so I'm a little sad about the change but I'm sure it'll look nice when they're finished.

Before heading home, we stopped over to say Hi to my Grandparents. My Grandpa had already gone to bed, we talked to my Grandma for a while. Dan told her about his trip and we were there for about a half hour or so.

On the way home we hit some traffic in Smithtown because of the concert by the library.

We got home around 8 and then I showered up and we watched some Olympics. Next we watched an episode of Shameless.

Our TiVo crapped out on us tonight -- completely ridiculous. Out of nowhere it just stopped allowing us to pause, fast forward, or rewind TV shows. It also won't let us record anything. Basically all of the TiVo features are dead. What a sham. We tried to call customer service but of course they're not open.

Now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"mysterious tivo problem is finally fixed" - August 16, 2016
"favors and stuff" - August 15, 2016
"intense pain" - August 14, 2016
"governors island on the hottest day of the year" or "clambake 2016" - August 14, 2016
"busy weekend ahead" - August 12, 2016