
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 15, 2016 - 11:33 p.m.
"favors and stuff"

Hey Journal!

Well, Dan is away again on another work trip. He'll be away until Friday so I have another week all to myself!

When we got up to leave for his trip this morning his alarm woke me up. I was really trying to get a good night's sleep so that threw a little wrench into the plan. Then, I was just getting back to sleep when it went off again. He came and turned it off. Then, it went off a THIRD time and I was not happy! It was just that I have such a hard time getting to sleep and the fact that it went off three times was just ruining my chances of getting back to bed and waking up refreshed!

Dan headed off to the airport and I got up at 8:00 for work. It would have been a pretty quiet day in the office had it not been for this crazy waitress who is claiming that she got hurt here a couple of weeks ago. She never reported an incident of any pain or issue that happened while she was at work, but now that she wants to go to the doctor to get her back pain checked out she says it was because she lifted a table and pulled out her back. We're not really buying it but the problem is that there's nothing you can really do. Anyone can claim their injury happened at work -- it's so easy to do, and it's so hard to prove otherwise. Example: I could hurt my back lifting something heavy at home and not say anything to anyone. Then, I could come to work and pick up a box and say "OWWWWW" in front of everyone and then claim it happened here.

Anyway, that was the big deal of the day. I had to talk to lawyers, consultants, insurance agents, all sorts of people to figure out how to handle this.

I left work at 5:00 and headed home. I watched the news briefly and then headed out to Lau's house. We had plans this evening to work on the favors for Jen B's shower. Here's what it is: There's a big coffee mug with a biscotti and some chocolate covered fruits inside. We had to bag up the chocolates, tie them closed with a ribbon and attach a little label on them.

Lau made a first draft of the label and I went upstairs to help put the finishing touches on it. We thought it looked nice but it needed a little more color to brighten it up. We added a yellow frame, the same one I had used when making the Snapchat filter, and we printed them out!

We cut them out using JC's crafty scissors and then we got to work getting them ready to go! It was a fun night -- I'm glad we got to spend the evening together!

After all of the favors were complete, we hung out for a while longer and talked. We would up leaving around 9:30.

As soon as I got home I showered up and it was time for bed! The night went by too quickly!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"jen b's shower" or "summer party" - August 20, 2016
"free water" or "byoc vessels" - August 19, 2016
"the mysterious pokemon trainer" or "THIS IS SUMMER" - August 18, 2016
"a different parma night" - August 17, 2016
"mysterious tivo problem is finally fixed" - August 16, 2016