
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 19, 2016 - 11:43 p.m.
"free water" or "byoc vessels"

Hey Journal!

This morning when I got up for work I heard some weird bubbling noises coming from the backyard. Every day when the pool filters turns on that happens for a little while until the water starts flowing but this time I kept hearing it.

Before I left, I went out the check the filter and I was shocked to see that the water level was REALLY low. There wasn't enough water getting into the skimmer baskets. So, I turned the filter off and figured we could add some more water later on.

Work today was pretty normal. We got a fair amount of dues payments from the invoices we just sent out and I also got a few calls.with questions.

Re came in and did the daily closes and brought me a special surprise today -- THAT AMAZING POPCORN that she had brought to JC's last week! It was great... I opened it right up and ate some right away!

In the afternoon, this relatively new member who had joined this summer came down to the office. He had gotten the dues invoice and he wanted to negotiate lower dues. His basis for this request was that he is 24 years old and he shouldn't have to pay full dues. I get that he wanted to ask but he asked again and again -- about 15 times or so. I was super great at handling it, I was super calm and just kept explaining that I understood what he was asking but that it wasn't something we offered. It was so awkward because how many times can you turn down the same thing!

He kept saying he wanted to speak to Dan's dad about it and he wasn't in the office so eventually I just called him. I knew he was going to say no to this because it's happened many times before and so I just asked him on the phone with the guy standing there. Got the same answer.

He was SO not into it. He asked if there was someone else he could speak to besides me and Dan's dad. I told him I was sorry, but there wasn't anyone else to speak with regarding his membership. Sorry dude, I mean, you're 24 and you joined a private club and now you don't want to pay for it. I get that it might be expensive but we're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes... if you don't want to pay and you don't want to stay next year, you're not a hostage. You can leave and you won't lose anything.

After he left, Re and I debriefed about the whole conversation. I am so glad she was there to hear it because it was so awkward.

At 2:00 we went outside and had lunch and I had the steak sandwich. Re had the steak sandwich special. The rest of the afternoon was very quiet. I left at 5:00 and headed home.

Dan's plan had landed around 3:00 in the afternoon and with all the traffic he only got home very shortly before I did.

We watched the news and then went out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get a present for Jen B's shower tomorrow! There was nothing left on the registry so we just decided to get a gift card! We contemplated getting something not on the registry but we asked ourselves what we would want in that situation and we decided that a gift card was the best option!

After that we went over to Target and now they're remodeling the bathroom area. They are going department by department. It's a real overhaul! I remember how long it took us to get those new carts - I wonder how we got to the top of the list for the remodel!

Next we went back the way we had just come to go to Home Depot. We had to return those kitchen tile sample things because Dan didn't like any of them. When we arrived, there was nobody else on line at the customer service desk but the lady working it was in a frenzy. She said she was in the middle of something and she would be right over. She kept running around like a lunatic and never helping us. We wound up waiting about 5 or 6 minutes and shortly after we arrived an older woman got on line behind us.

There was a refrigerator next to the service desk with free bottled water in it. I took one for me and Dan and Dan asked the lady if she wanted one, too. At first she was confused and then Dan told her they were for free. When we gave it to her, she looked at the label and said, "Have you ever heard of Niagara water before?" Dan said, "That's why it's free!" She laughed, and then Dan told her, "If they start giving out free beer I'll be here all the time!"

She really liked that one! She was our good friend on the line.

Finally, someone else came over to assist with the line and we were able to complete our return.

We went across the street to Dollar Tree next because tomorrow is Bring You Own Cup Day at 7-11. We wanted to take advantage of this occasion and we needed some creative vessels in which to put our Slurpees!

We perused the options and settled on these cool colored glass vases! Can't wait to use them tomorrow morning!

Finally, after all that shopping, we went to Applebee's for dinner. Dan and I did the 2 for $26 because we both got one of the +$3 meals!

We ate, then came home and I showered up before we watched Monday's Major Crimes.

Now it's time for bed and we're happy to be getting to sleep at a reasonable time because we have a pretty full day planned tomorrow! We have breakfast in the morning with Kristen, then BYOC Slurpees, then Jen B's shower, followed by Arianna's annual pool party!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"bbq and pool evening with jc" - August 24, 2016
"wiring success" or "weird insurance guy" - August 23, 2016
"the extra long conduit" - August 22, 2016
"pokemon hunting sunday" or "cabinet completion" - August 21, 2016
"jen b's shower" or "summer party" - August 20, 2016