
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 18, 2016 - 11:06 p.m.
"the mysterious pokemon trainer" or "THIS IS SUMMER"

Hey Journal!

This morning when my alarm went off I was soooo tired. I had no interest in getting out of bed at all. I had to hit the snooze button and I very rarely do that. I left a little later than usual for work but because the traffic was so light by that time, I made it in at about the same time as usual.

The morning was quiet and calm. I feel like that's been a recurring theme lately and I like it. Let's hope it continues.

I got my first call today regarding the dues for next season. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good call. It was some guy calling to complain that he didn't have the money to pay the dues. He took his wife and kids off the account and then, once his bill had been reduced by $1,800 by removing them, he still said it was too high. I don't know what to tell you, buddy. It's a private golf club.

For lunch today I had the Tuscan no Tuscan and I got onion rings. I never get onion rings but Dan's Dad was talking about them and I felt like I could go for it. They were good but then my stomach started to hurt after eating them. I think it was all too much for me!

I left work at 5 and headed home. On the way I had to stop to get gas. My gas has been low for the past few days and I keep forgetting to stop. The gas station in KP had the lowest price so that was convenient.

When I got home, I watched some of the news, had an ice pop, put some laundry into the washing machine and then went out for my bike ride of the night!

I wound up riding for a little over an hour and did over 7.5 miles! It was a really perfect night. First off.... THIS IS FUCKING SUMMER! I am so excited by this summer. I feel like last summer I complained over and over again that it wasn't warm enough for me. Well this summer is exactly what I need! It's nice and warm almost every single day AND it's warm at night. You can be out until all hours and never feel chilly, you can enjoy the long days and then the warm nights. It's PERFECTION. THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE!!!

I am so into this. I don't even know why. It's so not me to get all crazy about this. I just feel so full of LIFE when the weather is beautiful. I don't want to think about winter coming -- but at least we will have had a great summer to lead up to it. I only hope we can repeat this next year.

Anyway, on my bike ride I encountered a lot of Pokemon and collected as many as I could. I went down to the Hike and Bike train because I needed to restock my Pokeballs. As I headed down the path I passed this kid wearing a beanie and pajama pants standing with a skateboard. He was playing also -- he was in the midst of catching a Drowzee! We glanced at eachother and then looked away -- the general acknowledgement of Pokemon Go players -- and then I kept riding. I went down the path a bit, caught a Voltorb, and then headed back about 3 or 4 minutes later. As I came around the bend, he was still there... standing near to where he was before. Again we had the awkward acknowledgement and just as I passed him about three Pokemon appeared. I stopped a little ways up to catch one and that took about 30 seconds. When I glanced back, he had mysteriously disappeared. The path is very narrow in this area with fences on both sides. He obviously didn't come up the path past me -- I would have seen that. And I felt like it was too fast for him to have disappeared the other way out of my view.

Just because I was curious now, I rode down the path to where it splits. You can see clear down the path in both directions it goes... and he was nowhere to be found. Very weird! WHERE did he disappear to??

Alas, I headed back home after that and ran out of Pokeballs again. What a mess. I'm close to level 20! I can't wait to get the Ultra Balls AND two more lucky eggs. I might do some mild Pidgey grinding tomorrow.

So, on my way home I made some weird patterns, knowing that my GPS was tracking my ride. When I got home I had this cool little swirly pattern and then zig zags down the street!

I took a walk down the street because it was JUST SUCH A PERFECT NIGHT OUT.

When I got back, I showered up and watched an episode of Girls. I was going to watch two but the time just slipped away.

I watched Judge Judy and now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"wiring success" or "weird insurance guy" - August 23, 2016
"the extra long conduit" - August 22, 2016
"pokemon hunting sunday" or "cabinet completion" - August 21, 2016
"jen b's shower" or "summer party" - August 20, 2016
"free water" or "byoc vessels" - August 19, 2016