
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



October 04, 2016 - 11:27 p.m.
"the effects of RAM"

Hey Journal!

Well, I wanted to mentioned that after having installed the new RAM for my computer a few days ago....I can really tell that this computer is working much more efficiently than it was before. It's so much speedier to start up and I don't have to wait a million years for my journal to come up before I wrote my entry each night! It was well worth it.

I feel like Windows XP was such a BETTER operating system and most, if not all, of it's predecessors. I could very easily get a new computer that's faster but there are so many things that just aren't the same in these later versions of Windows. I'm going to keep this as long as I can and hopefully this upgrade will significantly extend that!

So, today was a rainy and dreary day at least in the morning. I was happy about that, though... I was able to get a lot of work done and it was a productive day in the office!

The day went by quickly. I didn't really have lunch today but I did have a little cup of soup in the afternoon. It was billed as "chicken noodle" on the board but it was really just broth with a lot of celery and some carrots. There was no chicken to be found, nor any noodles! Odd.

I left work at 5:00 today and headed home. There wasn't ANY traffic on the expressway at all which I was very surprised about. I sailed all the way home but I had to stop at the Northgate Shopping Center to drop off a FedEx package.

Dan said that when he got on the expressway it was completely stopped and he thinks that a car may have broken down in the middle of the road and had to be moved. Thankfully it didn't take too long and it opened up eventually but that also explains why there was nobody on the road at the point I got on.

Dan went to the gym and I did some stuff around the house. I showered up and then watched World News. Dan came back from the gym and we watched one episode of Shameless and then we watched tonight's VP debate.

My feelings on the debate were that it was a little boring and, despite a few moments, it was mostly them defending their candidate. I would have liked to hear more about each of them personally, since they really haven't been all that front-and-center.

Now that the debate is over and it's getting's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"jen b's wedding" - October 09, 2016
"we're fios now" or "jen b's rehearsal dinner" - October 08, 2016
"fios eve" or "texas roadhouse with scott" - October 08, 2016
"late" - October 06, 2016
"phantom fire alarm" or "hot air conditioning" - October 05, 2016