
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 25, 2016 - 10:57 p.m.
"merry christmas to all"

Hey Journal!

Merry Christmas! Well, Christmas Day is here and it's hard to believe!

We woke up this morning at about 9:30 and my mom was set to come over to go out to breakfast at about 9:45. We were just planning to get ready and go, but we decided that it might make sense to put the icing on our cake for this afternoon first.

We headed downstairs and Dan did the icing job just like we had done yesterday. My mom arrived around 9:50 and we quickly finished getting ready to go. The cake came out great, by the way!

My mom had suggested going to IHOP for breakfast but we also wanted to see if the diner was open. I was thinking it would be open since a lot of people who travel might want to stop at a diner along the way, but it turned out to be closed. So, we went back to the original idea of going to IHOP.

Our waiter today was Matt... I've seen him there before. I overheard the people sitting at the table behind us give him a $50 tip and he said, "Wow! Thank you so much! This just made my day! Thank you so much!" and then he scurried off!

For breakfast I got the special pancakes with ham and eggs. I got all the special-ness on the side.

Last night for dinner Linda made ham and it was great. You know how I love ham... well, this morning for breakfast I had ham, and then tonight for dinner Dan's mom made ham! What a great weekend it's been for my love of ham!

After breakfast we headed home and my mom went back home to get ready for the Christmas events later in the afternoon. We watched some Shameless and then got ready to go over to Dan's parents' house. I was going to take a shower but then decided just to shave.

We arrived a little before 1:30 and -unrelated to Christmas- Dan's parents had gotten a new Nest thermostat so they could keep an eye on their house's temperature while they're in Florida for the winter. Before everyone else arrived, I installed their new thermostat. I took the old one off the wall and got the new one in its place.

They also got a Nest Protect, so I set that up for them and got them going. I had to create a Nest account for both of them and then set up the app and all.

Shortly after, it was time to open presents. We all exchanged our gifts and it seemed like everyone liked what we got for them. This year we had presents for everyone... not just gift cards... so that seemed to make a good impression. For Dan's parents, we got them the Amazon Echo. They really wanted it, so it was nice to be able to get something they really wanted and we hope they will enjoy.

At 2:30, everyone else arrived. My mom got there promptly at 2:30, I believe.

Everyone sat around, did their thing, and then at about 4:30 we had dinner. Ham, as I mentioned before.

After dinner, we had dessert, and then around 8:00 we headed home.

When we got home I showered up and then got my pajamas on. I cleaned the cake tray that we used today to shuttle our cake and then Dan and I sat by the Christmas tree to admire it!

I don't know what it is, but today really didn't feel like Christmas to me. I just like there was something missing and I can't place what it was. It feels weird to me that Christmas is basically over now and I have this feeling like it never really came in the first place!

Anyway, after we sat by the tree we watched another episode of Shameless and now we're going to get to sleep.

I'm happy to have the day off from work tomorrow. In the morning we're going to breakfast with Julio at Javier's!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"who's most likely" or "scrawl" - December 31, 2016
happy 13 years to us - December 29, 2016
- - December 28, 2016
stew from the crockpot - December 27, 2016
"boxing day" or "missing pudding" - December 26, 2016