
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 25, 2016 - 1:48 a.m.
"merry christmas eve" or "cake week: it's not a bad bake"

Hey Journal!

Merry Christmas Eve!

I really can't believe it's already here! I just feel like we didn't have enough time to enjoy the buildup and now it's already upon us!

Dan and I got up this morning at about 9:30 and we headed downstairs to get to work on our cake making. It was quite the operation. The first order of business was to work on the cake we needed for tonight. We decided to make a 2 layer Funfetti cake. We mixed up the batter and then put the first layer into the oven.

It came out really well and we waited for it to cool, took it out of the pan, and then did the second layer.

Once those were both done we decided to go out to the store to get some colored icing. We felt like the white was just going to be too plain. We had a few other things to get, so we headed out for a bit.

Our first stop was Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We got a cake carrying thing. It's really great. I'm glad we got it because I have NO idea how we would have gotten this cake to Linda's tonight without it!

After BBB, we went to Shoprite in Commack to get some funfetti icing. We decided to get green AND red so that the middle layer of the cake could be GREEN and the rest could be red. What a great idea!

Then we went over to Costco to return something we needed to bring back and to have lunch. I got a slice of pizza and Dan got a chicken bake.

We walked around the store quickly and then headed out. We were in a bit of a rush to get home and make the second cake.

Our cake for tomorrow was supposed to be chocolate. We mixed up the cake batter and then put the first layer into the oven. It came out, and we put the second one in.

While the cake was cooking, I showered up and got ready for our Christmas Eve festivities. Then, Dan got in the shower and while he was in, the timer beeped and the second layer was ready to be taken out of the pan.

When I turned it over, the cake split into three pieces. It crumbled into a huge mess! I have no idea why it was so fragile!

After inspecting the debate, Dan and I decided our best course of action was to get more funfetti mix and make THAT cake again for tomorrow. The first one was so much better!

We left the house at about 3:45 and headed off towards Linda's! On the way we stopped at Target and ShopRite to get more cake mix and icing for tomorrow's cake. We purposely left about 15 minutes early to save time for this little detour.

One we got the goods, we headed to Linda's church. We arrived around 4:50 and we located Linda's family. They had saved a pew for us. Cameron spotted us as we entered the church and she was sitting in the back row dressed as an angel.

The church service was about an hour long and included a bunch of Christmas songs with the kids putting on a little presentation of the story of Christmas. Before each song, a kid would read out the story behind the song. Connor did one of these readings and he did a really great job.

He got up in front of the whole church and did his piece and he was the best of all the kids who did a reading. He read it vert naturally and didn't even seem like he was reading. He put emphasis in the correct places. He did a great job.

Once the service was over, we headed out to Linda's house. We hung out, had some appetizers, and Connor showed me Super Mario Run on his iPad! I had never played the full game, just the preview at the Apple Store so it was nice to give it a go! I played the Toad Rally and the regular game. I think it's a fun game but I wouldn't spend $10 on it from the App Store.

Dan played a bunch of games with Cameron on her iPad and Connor and I played some of the Google Santa Tracker games on Linda's iPad Pro! I had never seen her iPad Pro -- it's HUGE!

At dinner, we all sat around the table and the HAM was served! Linda made an excellent pink ham and I had corn and mashed potatoes with it. It was great!

We hung out after dinner, watched some Prep and Landing, and then played some more iPad games before dessert.

We presented our festive cake when it was time for dessert. Everyone said it looked nice but it really didn't get that great of a reception. Only half of the cake was eaten. I said to Dan just a little while ago that maybe the colored icing turned people off. Like, if the cake had been exactly the same but had white icing instead of red and green I think people would have gone for it more. Like make it looked too artificial!

Around 11:00, Connor was ready to go to bed and so we hurried up and gave Connor and Cameron their presents. Connor liked his Minecraft items and Cameron LOVED her FNAF stuffed animals! She especially went wild over the cupcake!

Connor liked the jacket we got him from Target -- he looked so shocked and said he saw it in Target and had liked it! I'm surprised he didn't see us but it since we were with him!

Cameron also really liked the FNAF Freddy costume we got her! She said she wanted to wear it for Christmas! Yikes!

We left at about 11:40 and headed home. It was a very very nice Christmas Eve celebration!

When we got home, we immediately started making the next cake. We even had to borrow two eggs from Linda because we didn't have enough to make another cake!

While the cake was in the oven, I showered up and then we watched the Muppet Family Christmas!

What a GREAT movie! It really put me in the Christmas spirit! The story is so funny, the songs are so great, and it's just PERFECT! I'm really glad we had to stay up for the cake -- if we didn't have to do that, we wouldn't have watched this movie!

Now that it's so late, we have to get right to bed! I mean, Santa is probably waiting to come!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
happy 13 years to us - December 29, 2016
- - December 28, 2016
stew from the crockpot - December 27, 2016
"boxing day" or "missing pudding" - December 26, 2016
"merry christmas to all" - December 25, 2016