
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 26, 2016 - 10:39 p.m.
"boxing day" or "missing pudding"

Hey Journal!

I think it's really great this Christmas fell on a Sunday this year. This was, we already had off from work on Christmas Day and then we got an extra, bonus day to do whatever we wanted the day after. It should be like that every year! I nfact, maybe I'll take off the day after Christmas next year.

That being said, I feel like we should have off again tomorrow. It just went by too quickly!

We got up this morning at 9:30 and headed out to have breakfast with Julio. We met at Javie's at 10:00. Dan and I arrived first and there was no line at all when we got there. Julio got there about 3 or 4 minutes after us, and there were already a couple people waiting behind us.

It was nice to see Julio and to catch up on everything that's new with him. This is the first time we've seen him since he moved to San Francisco.

Breakfast went by too quickly, so we'll have to see him again soon AND, maybe we can make a trip out there to visit him. I'd like to go back to San Francisco again!

Dan and I went to Target after that and we just perused. We didn't buy anything. We looked for the NES Classic but they didn't have any in stock.

When we left, we decided to see if they had any in stop at the Huntington Target. They didn't, but we did get a few things we needed. Some food, and a Letter "U" wrapping paper holder because the one we have is too small for some rolls. I had seen Linda's last night and she got this bigger one and highly recommended it. We also got one for the golf course because some of the maps don't find in the smaller wrapping paper holders!

On the way back we stopped at Toys R Us and checked on the NES there. That's where Linda got it... but we went there and they didn't have it. The guy said they probably aren't getting any more in. That's weird.

When we got home, we watched some Shameless and then Dan went to the gym.

When I went to have some of the pudding we had gotten at Target earlier, I noticed that we were missing one cup! I was so irritated! The girl who rang us up dropped some of them and she picked them up and put hem in the bag but it turns out she must have missed one because we were one short!

Then, in the evening, we had to go say farewell to Dan's parents. They wanted to go out to dinner but it was a little late for us, so I suggested that we just stop over to say goodbye instead. Dan didn't think that was sufficient to properly send them off on the their long journey, so we wound up going to dinner at Outback.

When we got home I showered up and then we watched one episode of Shameless and then half of the Season 7 Finale.

Now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
the last day of 2016 - December 31, 2016
"who's most likely" or "scrawl" - December 31, 2016
happy 13 years to us - December 29, 2016
- - December 28, 2016
stew from the crockpot - December 27, 2016