
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 19, 2016 - 10:29 p.m.
"wherefore art thou, dockers?" or "maxxinista"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up and was feeling better. Not 100%, but a lot better than yesterday. I also felt like I got a good night's sleep. I wasn't waking up every hour with a cough, or runny nose. I did get up around 7 to go to the bathroom, though!

My nose was bleeding a lot this morning, which was annoying, so I really tried not to blow my nose all day to give it time to heal up.

I got to work around 9:30. The day was pretty quiet and I started a couple of coding projects. It's that time of year again when I get little ideas and then start running with them!

We had a holiday party this afternoon so we weren't all by ourselves today. Today's group had a bit of a strange party -- they were only in from 12-2pm and they had a buffet and each employee got only one drink. We think they had to go back to work after, too! So basically they got one extra hour of lunch today! Weird!

I basically worked the whole day on web stuff, making changes and adding new features to some applications. I did a little work on the Pelican system and now I'm working on a way to keep better track of resigned memberships.

Dan's dad left at 3:45 and I left around 4:15. It was nice to have some quiet time to myself to get things done even though I wanted to leave earlier.

I got home from work around 5 and spent some time online trying to find pants. I am desperate to find the same style Dockers I got last year. I can't find them anywhere and it's driving me crazy. I think I MAY have found them at Zappos so I put in an order to find out. Of course, they were ridiculously expensive but I REALLY need them. I'm getting desperate.

Anyway, when Dan got home went to out to the store to get our Christmas shopping done. We went to Costco and looked for things there. We only got one thing as far as Christmas goes -- something for Connor. Which is crazy because we already have enough for Connor! We have nothing for Cameron!

Next we went to Kohl's but didn't find anything there. On the way home we stopped at TJ Maxx and we found something for Dan's brother, Jessica, and Grandma. It was perfect. Who would have though! I didn't expect it but it worked out great!

When we got home I had a cup of tea and then we showered up. I had some Chickarina soup and we watched the first segment of last week's Baking Show.

After that, we watched another episode of Shameless!

Now we're off to bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"merry christmas eve" or "cake week: it's not a bad bake" - December 25, 2016
"omg i feel so christmassy" - December 24, 2016
"bill's dizzy spell" - December 22, 2016
"pierre and his wooden shoes" or "the cross lady" or "bobblehead floss reminder" - December 21, 2016
"wrapping up" or "flossing farse" - December 20, 2016