
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



January 26, 2017 - 10:22 p.m.
tummy aches

Hey Journal!

Pain Update: Today was a mix. I woke up and had pain. It may have been because of the way I slept on my leg and it lasted for a while. I also had pain in my leg almost all day. Right now, I'm feeling pretty good but the pain was super muscular today. It didn't feel like an ache or anything, it was all muscleish. I also had this weird area of hair that was super-sensitive. I've had that before and I have no idea if it's related to this or not, but that too seems to have gone away for now.

I felt a little nauseous after lunch and I attributed that to possibly eating too much cheese! I felt better after having some soup... I also had Tums when I got home, but it came back about 20 minutes ago. So that's weird.

On to other news.... On the way to work I stopped to get gas in my car and then I headed to work. The morning was quiet, I got a lot of stuff done and did a bunch of daily closes.

Steve came in around 12 and we talked for a bit about a few things. I talked to Karen, and it was a busy day in the office.

At 2:00 I had my lunch -- that was the steak quesadilla that is now doing a number on my stomach. I'm reluctant to take Pepto, although I'm sure that would help.

After work I had to go to Medical Arts Radiology to pick up the CD of my ultrasound from September. They had given me the CD but it had nothing on it. Then, when I went back recently they said they couldn't get the files to transfer for some reason. So, today they said they were able to do it, and I have the CD but I have to wait till I go to work tomorrow to check it out and see if it actually worked. I can't run the program on my computer at home. Go figure.

I dropped off a deposit for work at the bank and then headed home. Dan had a dinner with people from work today so he didn't get home until about 8:30. I watched World News, took a shower, and then did some random stuff around the house. I watched the rest of last nights Judge Judy, and then when Dan got home we watched Teen Wolf.

Dan is at the gym now and when he gets back we'll be getting right to bed. We'll have to watch The Flash (from Tuesday), Scandal, and HTGAWM over the weekend!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"to tape or not to tape" - January 31, 2017
kt tape - January 30, 2017
"another birthday meal for dan" - January 29, 2017
"tired from a day of carpet cleaning" - January 28, 2017
"lion dancing" or "year of the rooster" - January 27, 2017