
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



January 28, 2017 - 11:28 p.m.
"tired from a day of carpet cleaning"

Hey Journal!

Pain Update: This morning I woke up with some pains. I feel like the mornings are always the worst. Throughout the day it was touch and go. I had more leg pain than penis pain but I did have a few little issues at the bottom. I think maybe it's more just a closeby muscle.... so it's nothing like it was a few weeks ago. Right now I'm feeling pretty good but I've noticed that pattern. The night is good, the morning is bad. Maybe just because if how I sleep. Maybe I'm moving my leg in some way that's not so good when I don't even realize it.

Anyway, this morning Dan and I got up early to go to the golf course to install some new security cameras. We had planned to rent this lift device from Home Depot and use it to reach the previously unreachable areas.

We left the house around 9:30 and went to McDonald's for breakfast. We had a quick meal and then went to get Dan's dad's car. He wanted us to drive it and we were going to use it to bring the lift to work.

Things didn't work out as planned, though. When we got to Home Depot the guy was explaining the device and made it sound much more unstable than we thought it was. We decided it wasn't a good idea for us to play around with it. The ones you can rent from some other places are much more reliable and easy to use. I'm going to investigate them next week.

In the meantime, we decided to go to the Commack Home Depot and rent a rug cleaner because Jackie's office needed to be cleaned. We had never used this device before, either, so we wanted to try it out at home. We decided to try it out on the rug in the family room.

We mixed the cleaning solution and then put it to work! It was very easy to use and we did the whole room. We did it in three separate phases so that the previous one could dry a little before we moved on. It worked well, I think. There were some areas of the carpet that looked dirty...mostly where you usually walk, and they seem to look a bit brighter and a little less dirty but the waste water that you had to dump out afterwards was really gross, so we must have gotten a lot of undesirable stuff up!

Dan wen to the gym and I started packing for our cruise. I know it's a ways away but it'll be here before we know it and I'd LOVE to be packed in advance for once! It shouldn't be too hard considering we're bringing mostly summery clothes!

Before I continue, I'd like to mention a more serious topic. I have never been one to care about the country's immigration policy. It wasn't something I was interested in and not something I thought about on a regular, or even irregular basis. But this whole thing that happened today is atrocious! I can't believe that this is the United States of America. How could we do this. Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? It's message! How can we turn away people who are seeking nothing more than to have a peaceful life of opportunity for themselves and their families!? It's sick. It's not what this country represents. It's sick. I'm so happy that things turned out well tonight and that a Judge ruled that, at least on this particular issue, the new rule would be stayed. But that's not the end, not at all. We need to keep fighting for what's right!

You can't grant someone admission to the country only to turn them away as they arrive. I can't even imagine how those families feel. And how terrible is it that other countries like Canada, Scotland, etc., make us look like complete fools by publicly reaffirming their commitment to doing the right thing. How can we do something so wrong. The rest of the world is watching and I'm embarrassed.

To suppose that we need to take a closer look, that we need to handle each of these entries on a case by case basis ignores the fact that that's exactly what's being done! These immigrants have been thoroughly screened by multiple United States and international agencies to ensure their legitimacy. Their application are screened individually and on a case by case basis.... so to suggest that we need to stop them from coming and what we've already been doing.. makes no sense at all.

So, that's my political post of the week, I guess. But I think everyone needs to think about how they would feel if they ever should be so unfortunate to need to escape their home because they were so unsafe there. How would you like to be treated? Just be better than we have been these past few days.

When Dan got home from the gym, we went to the golf course and cleaned the carpets in my office and in Jackie's office. My office didn't see much improvement because it's terrible. But Jackie's looked a lot fresher and a lot of crap came out of the rug.

We were there for about 2 hours and when we were done we headed to Home Depot to return the machine. It really wasn't bad...all in, it cost about $50 to do this little cleaning project! The machine was $30 to rent and the cleaning solution was about $19 to buy.

The lady at the return desk at Home Depot asked us how we were doing an Dan said, "Tired from a day of carpet cleaning!" After we had successfully returned the machine we went to get dinner at Panera. I had Cream of Chicken and Wild Rice.

Next we went to Target and returned our bottles. We got about $5 back and then we bought a few items. Finally, we ended the night by visiting my mom. I wanted to give her some stuff I had been meaning to give her the past few days.

We hung out there for a while and then headed home. Now it's time for bed and we have breakfast tomorrow at 9am with Kristen!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"good night's sleep" or "let's go medicine" - February 02, 2017
"dues day" or "orthopedist" - February 01, 2017
"to tape or not to tape" - January 31, 2017
kt tape - January 30, 2017
"another birthday meal for dan" - January 29, 2017