
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



March 25, 2017 - 11:11 p.m.
"arboretum" or "free samples for everyone"

Hey Journal!

Today I have a half and half pain report. It was bothering me moderately while we were out today but once I got home and took a bath, the pain really retreated. I reluctantly and sparingly used the Capsaicin and it seems to have helped, or at least not hurt! So right now it seems like today was a good day, but really it as about half bad and half good! I guess the best part is that it SEEMS like the pain has become more and more responsive to treatments like the bath and the medicine. It used to hurt all the time no matter what...and now it seems to ease up when I try these things.

This morning I was planning to get up around 9:15 because Linda was planning to pick us up at 10:00 for our plans to visit the arboretum! Of course, things didn't work out quite as planned because my mom texted me at about 8:00. I kinda heard the text noise go off but I didn't fully wake up and fell back to sleep. Then, minutes later, my phone started to ring. It was my mom. Then I got another text. Shortly after, Dan's phone started to ring. Fearing an emergency situation had occurred, Dan answered and my mom started telling us this story about her AAA card being expired and a whole bunch of other things that were completely not vital at 8am.

We told my mom we would help her later when we woke up, and we tried to get back to sleep. That didn't go so well but I did managed to drift off into a semi-sleep until about 9.

When I got up, I got ready for the day and then had to run out to Walgreen's to get more Alpha Lipoic Acid because I had none left. I was planning to get some last night when I was out with Kristen but I had totally forgotten.

I got back and minutes later Linda arrived. She picked us up at 10:05 and we headed off to the Arboretum. There was an 11:00 free tour, so we were all set for that. BEfore it started, we walked around the big house and checked out the weird bird exhibit. They had some bird called the bubo virginianus which is some sort of Horned Owl!

The tour started at 11 and the guy gave a brief history of the family who had owned the property and stuff. Then we started walking around and looking at the trees and shrubbery. It was okay, but first off... the guy talked too low and you couldn't really hear him. Also, since it's March, most of the trees didn't have any leaves on them so they all looked the same.

We decided to break free from the tour after a while and wandered around on our own. We were looking for turtles but didn't find any! Very sad!

It was pretty nice outside today so it was a good day to be outside and enjoying the fresh air.

When we left, we were all hungry and decided to go to Javier's for breakfast/lunch. We had to wait about 15 minutes for a table and Connor proclaimed that he was so bored he was going to die. I checked his pulse and then confirmed that, indeed, he was dying of boredom. I said that if we didn't entertain him soon, we were going to lose him.

Cameron proclaimed that she was very hungry, and I pointed out what luck she had that she just so happened to be at a restaurant.

Lunch was good, I got the egg combo.... Dan and Linda got lunch, Connor got eggs and bacon, and Cameron got the Happy Face Pancake.

After that, we headed over to Price Club! We were really going there to buy things we needed but we wound up making it a full-on meal of free samples! They had so much stuff to try today!

They had croissants, cheese bread, meatballs, bratwurst, hummus, fish cakes, spanakopita, and some energy juice! Cameron ate almost all of the above with the exception of hummus and spanakopita. Connor had almost everything except the spanakopita and the fish cakes. It was crazy....

When we left, we headed over to Bob's Furniture to get some dessert! We perused the couches and tables and then headed over to the cafe to get some ice cream. Connor said his stomach was bothering him (after all those free samples) and so he went to the bathroom and then we say at the cafe area and ate.

After that, I was SO tired! On the ride home, I felt like I could barely stay awake!

When we got home, we were EXHAUSTED! Maybe it was all the fresh air we're not used to... or maybe it was getting up so early when my mom called... but either way we couldn't keep our eyes open! It was crazy!

We got home around 4:15 and I took a bath/shower. I started to feel a little better after that but we decided to stay in for the night. After my shower, I put the capsaicin cream on and it didn't burn like last time. It did feel a little warm, but that felt good. I out on some more throughout the night and it seems to be alright.

We just watched some more Walking Dead... we're all caught up now and tomorrow night is a new episode, and the following week is the season finale! We times it pretty well -- this worked out nicely! I would not have liked watching it week to week.... this was much better!

So, now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"automation setback" or "dinner surprise" - March 30, 2017
boe reunion - March 29, 2017
washout - March 28, 2017
"four point five hour work day" or "epsom salt and lavender" - March 27, 2017
"checking in" or "grouponing" - March 26, 2017