
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



March 26, 2017 - 10:50 p.m.
"checking in" or "grouponing"

Hey Journal!

What a weird pain report I have today. First, I put that capsaicin cream on last night and I didn't have one of those burning sensation reactions like I did the last time I used it. Of course, it was too good to be true. I put the cream on around 6pm last night, and then again a few times before bed. It made a warm sensation and made me feel a bit better.

When I went to bed, all was fine. I got up at 1:30am and it was burning like it was on fire! Of course, I was lucky. I didn't put it ANYWHERE near the balls, so the burning was just on my leg and butt. It wasn't terrible, but got worse. I got up and applied some milk to the area. That calmed things down briefly, but it came back. I went to sleep for a bit, but woke up with it burning some more around 3:00. I went downstairs and got the ice pack. The ice pack soothed the burning away and I fell asleep with it on my leg. I woke up at 4am with all the burning gone except on one small circle area. I was afraid I left the ice on too long! I went downstairs and watched an episode of Password Plus, and then came back to bed.

It felt much better, and I was able to sleep the rest of the night.

Today the pain was bothering me in the morning a bit. It was a little more irritating than ti has been lately. I started to feel better in the afternoon, and then I took my bath/shower and it made a lot of improvement.

Tonight's bath included epsom salt with lavender, supposed to soothe sore muscles and things like that.

Now I'm feeling pretty good, but do have some pain in my leg. Tomorrow morning I have another appointment for acupuncture, so let's hope that helps some more.

This morning I woke up around 10:30 or so. I called my mom, and made a plan for checking into the hotel.

Dan and I collected our bottles to return to Target today and then went to the hotel to check in and get the keys for my mom.

We got to the hotel, checked in, and then went to check out the room. It was okay, nothing too special, but I suppose it was adequate! We put the complementary bottles of water in the room for them and then we left.

We went over to give the keys and then hung out for a little while. My mom was getting ready to go and we hung out with my Grandma and Grandpa.

Next, we went over to Re's to pick her up to go out to dinner. Dan and I had found a Groupon I purchased for Viva La Vida several months ago and it expired in just a few days! We're lucky we found it! We wanted to make sure we used to before it was too late so we decided to go there for lunch today and called to see if Re wanted to join us.

It was quite a different experience going there for lunch because I don't think I've ever been there in the daytime before. The room looks very different in the light and also this was the first time we went and it wasn't packed inside!

We had a good lunch, I had the Arroz con Pollo. When we were done, we went to Target to get our bottle money! We went into the little room and, OF COURSE, all the machines were in use! There was only one can machine and JUST as the woman in front of us was on her last cans, it said it was full! She was quite the honey badger, though! She opened the machine and started shaking the bin inside! It started working again!

When we started using it, it started beeping again, too! We did the same technique and it worked for a little while but eventually it wouldn't accept any more!

We had a lot of bottles and cans, and had to take some of the cans inside because the machine gave up on us.

We perused the goods at Target and then we headed back and dropped Re off at her apartment.

We got home, I did some laundry, and then we watched TV. We watched tonight's Homeland AND Walking Dead! Next week is the "extended" finale of Walking Dead! I really hope they don't leave it as some stupid cliffhanger!

Anyway, now it's time for bed...

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"machi koro night" or "preview april showers" - April 01, 2017
"automation setback" or "dinner surprise" - March 30, 2017
boe reunion - March 29, 2017
washout - March 28, 2017
"four point five hour work day" or "epsom salt and lavender" - March 27, 2017