
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 22, 2017 - 10:30 p.m.
"our favorite home depot self checkout lady"

Hey Journal!

This morning Dan got up early and went to the eye doctor because he had discovered a bump on the inside of his eyelid last night. He was worried about it, and also had a weird black spot in the corner of his vision. He called as soon as he woke up and they told him to come down.

Luckily, it turned out to be nothing serious. They said that the bump was a sty. I've had stys before and so has Dan but never underneath the eyelid. That was pretty weird. The black spot is just a clump of floaters, or something. Nothing to be worried about. The doctor prescribed him Maxitrol which is the same thing I got when I thought I burned my eye when I opened up the oven.

I already had the medicine, and a lot left, so Dan cancelled the prescription and used mine instead!

When Dan got home, we went outside and did yard work! We had planned to clear all the weeds and mess from the back of the yard and plant grass instead. It's just that keeping that whole dirt bed looking nice is such a hassle. It's so hard to get all the weeds out and keep them out each year.

Dan raked up the wood chips and other debris back there and picked out the weeds. It started to drizzle a little, and then came down a bit heavier, but we really wanted to get this done and, under the trees, the rain was a little lighter.

It took a while but we finally got it looking good! There is still one small section that we didn't finished but we're going to do that tomorrow.

We had one bag of "dense shade mix" and I set up the spreader and then applied the seed. I was surprised that it wasn't enough for the whole area, actually.

After we finished we ran the sprinkler to water the area. It said that you need to keep the soil moist until you start to see growth!

Next up, we went out to Home Depot and returned the spreader we had bought a couple of weeks ago. We didn't realize how expensive it was and we didn't really need it anyway.

While we were there, I had to get two copies of a key made for work. The key is for a gate leading into the cemetery. The porta potty people need it to get onto the golf course and they changed the lock recently!

It took forever to get the keys copied -- the guy who was working that department was sooo annoying. He was all over the place and I had to stand there for 15 minutes while they kept paging him and he never came.

Meanwhile, we did get a great benefit AGAIN. That same woman who was working the self-checkout when we got the free bags of fertilizer was working again! Our favorite! This time all of our goods were rung up correctly but she just decided to give us 10% off! I love it!

On the way home we stopped at Target and got some pretzels and stuff.

We came home and watched a little bit of Better Call Saul and then went out for some dessert. I got a Frosty at Wendy's and Dan got a shake at McDonald's.

After that we headed back home, watched more TV, and now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
poopy pants - April 27, 2017
groupon grief -- again - April 26, 2017
router swap - April 25, 2017
always something - April 24, 2017
"birthday party sunday" or "7-11 runs" - April 23, 2017