
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 10, 2017 - 3:53 p.m.
"connor's concert" or "glorioso"

Hey Journal!

This morning on the way to work I stopped at Target to get some Vitamin B-12. I read some articles that said it's very good for helping with nerve pain so I figured I'd give it a whirl. It's been a while since I tried any new remedies so I'm due, right!?

When I went to check out, the Red Card system was down! Ugh! What bad timing. I got the old lady cashier and she told me she was going to take 5% off anyway but she messed it up and only took about 4%! She was a mess, anyway, and I should have been on alert because the lady who checked out before me complained that she messed it up as well!

Today was a pretty busy day at work. Last night Steve had the closing for his new flip house and so today he asked me to help him set up some of the utilities and other things. I also had to call to get insurance for the house and so I didn't get much golf course stuff done today!

This morning I had cereal for breakfast and then for lunch I had the employee meal which was pasta with broccoli and chicken francaise.

I left work at 5 today and headed over to Linda's house for Connor's big trumpet concert! We had planned, a long time ago, to attend this event and the day was finally here. I got to Linda's around 5:30 and it took Dan a little longer -- he got there around 5:50.

We hung out there beforehand and we ordered Chinese food for dinner. Connor was at therapy and Dan brought him home before we got the food. Cameron met us there at the concert.

I did one page of Connor's homework before he got was a book of math problems! I did four of the questions for him! It was fun. I was annoyed, though, because one of the questions was RIDICULOUSLY easy. It was stupid! The previous question was a tough one where you had to multiply fractions to add numbers together. Then they asked, "Which expression shows "add 11 and 35, then divide by six." The answers were (11+35)/6 , or (11-35)x6, etc. I mean, basically this was a test to see if you knew the symbols for adding and subtracting. Pretty bad question.

Connor's concert was at the middle school at 7:30. We had to leave early to get there and we had a few issues along the way. First, Connor lost his folder with his music in it! It was an Avengers folder. He said he had no idea where it was and everyone was frantically looking for it around the house. I found it on the coffee table.

Then, Connor had a wardrobe malfunction. The zipper on his pants was broken and couldn't be zipped! He had to change, and when he came out, he had an ice pack on his head because his "head hit a door." We don't understand exactly what that meant...

Anyway, the concert was good... the orchestra went first, then the band. Connor was in the back but we had pretty good seats to see him. I had an opening right in front of me and could see back to where he was.

Last up was the chorus. The chorus teacher was WILD and we loved her. She looks like she would be Gloria Estefan's backup singers. Maybe she's one of the Miami Sound Machine.

Anyway, once the concert was over, we saw Connor, congratulated him on his excellent performance, and then Dan and I hit the road to head home. It was over around 9 and we got home at about 9:30.

We showered up and quickly got ready for bed. We had time to watch ONE Judge Judy before bed and decompress a little.

Also, I have come to realization.... last night Dan and I were sitting on the couch and he commented that my toe on my right foot was pointed up. I investigated and it definitely is more pointed upwards than my left. I'm not saying this is all a result of the pain and everything, but today I was very focused on what I was doing with my foot. MANY times throughout the day I caught myself pressing my toes backwards. I feel like I've been doing this a LOT since January. I think, when I have the pain in my upper leg, I do this and it make it feel better OR it takes away some of the pain by distracting me mind from it but -- I've found that by consciously making an effort NOT to do that and to keep myself from curling my toes UP or DOWN, I've been feeling a bit better!

It's too soon to tell for sure, but I am definitely going to be paying attention to this some more.

Anyway, now it's time for bed. Dan has a flight to Minneapolis and then a drive to Wisconsin tomorrow morning... he has to leave at 4am!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"new oven time" or "weekday comeback" - May 15, 2017
mother's day - May 14, 2017
"rained out" or "joe and kat" - May 14, 2017
"something romantic" - May 12, 2017
overslept - May 11, 2017