
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 04, 2017 - 11:27 p.m.
"flood, flood" or "trimming the bushes"

Hey Journal!

Wow... I had a bad night last night. You know that weird stomach pain I get... well it happened again. It's always so weird. I go to bed as usual, feeling fine, and I wake up in the middle of the night with bad stomach pains. This time was INSANE. It was probably the worst I've ever had. I was in such bad pain that I didn't think it was the same thing-- I thought something was seriously wrong!

I wish I could pinpoint what causes this... all I ate today was cereal in the morning, a chicken sandwich and baked potato from Wendy's for lunch, and then arroz con pollo for dinner. All of those things I've had recently and had no stomach issues, so why now?

Anyway, I woke up and felt some pains but tried to get back to sleep. It got worse and I woke up and knew I had to get out of bed. I hobbled over to the toilet -- but just sat there for a minute. Nothing happened. Then I had to lay down on the floor. I got the chills really bad and I was sweating. The whole time my stomach was out of control in pain.

I got the bucket because I was afraid I was going to throw up but I never did... I never even came close. After about 15 minutes on the floor, Dan woke up and asked if I was okay. I told him what was going on and we he asked if he could do anything. I told him no, and told him that actually, I didn't wake him up earlier because the pain was so bad that I didn't think I could even talk. When Dan woke up, it had just started to get a bit better.

The chills stopped, the sweat stopped, and then I was able to take some Pepto Bismol. After about 15 more minutes, I was able to get up and go back to bed. Slowly all the pain went away and I was able to get to sleep.

I don't know if the Pepto helped because I was already on the way back to normal before I took it, but it didn't hurt so I'm glad I took it. I just wish I knew how to prevent this from happening again. It's so frustrating. I can't remember how long ago it was since the last time it happened... I know it happened at least once since we moved here and then before that I remember it happening in Dan's parents basement when we lived there.

So, I slept a little later since I was tired from the ordeal. I got up around 10:30. Dan and I got ready and went outside to get some yard stuff done. We put the pool filter on and the leak was still pretty bad.

We took out the trimmer and trimmed the front bushes which were getting a little wild and out of control.

We did that for a few hours, came inside, and then we went out to Smithtown Day! I had totally forgotten it was today and I never like to miss it. We walked up and down the street. It started to drizzle a little but there were still a lot of people there. Some of the booths started to close up when the rain came.

Then, Dan and I went to Applebee's for lunch. We did the 2 for 20 deal and also bought another discounted gift card to save!

After we ate, we went to Home Depot because I needed to get more Nitrile gloves. I don't even know what nitrile means but I like saying it. We got them, came home, and then I tried to seal another very small leak on our pool filter. I don't know if i was successful... I suppose I'll find out tomorrow.

We watched some more episodes of Parenthood and then we were going to go out to Target.

Dan was in the bathroom and I was getting ready to go when I heard him screaming, "FLOOD! FLOOD!" I came running and there was water pouring out of the toilet and all over the floor! It was insane. Dan was standing there and I ran to get the shop vac thing we have. It's a home depot portable vac thing that fits on the top of a home depot bucket. It's amazing. We got it when we moved here and never used it before. I hurried downstairs, opened the box, and got it started!

I also ran to the basement to turn off the water. Once the leak was stopped we cleaned everything much water! We had to vacuum it up and get everything dried off. It was such a crazy time.

Once everything was under control, we went to Target, got some frozen food, paid our bill, and then came back home. We watched some Judge Judy and now it's time for bed.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"grandpa's impromptu 90th birthday party" - June 09, 2017
"server is serving" or "not another one" - June 07, 2017
server headaches - June 07, 2017
"new motor" or "new server" - June 06, 2017
interrogations - June 05, 2017