
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 06, 2017 - 10:49 p.m.
"new motor" or "new server"

Hey Journal!

So today we got the new pool filter and I installed it all by myself. Well, almost all by myself. I just needed help carrying it from the house to the pool because it was so heavy and I can't lift anything!

I got up this morning and headed off to work. Today's main event was more interrogations. We met with Wally and Elvis in the morning to hear their events of what happened last Friday. Well, really... Wally was only able to provide some insight into problems that had been going on for a while... Elvis had witnessed the incident.

Later on in the day, our new server was delivered! It was very excited to get it set up and try it out. I actually got a lot of work done setting it up but I have one big hiccup. There's a problem with the SQL server and I can't connect to it from any of the other computers in the building. That presents a big problem, so I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. The worst is that the SQL server has NO configurable setting so I have no idea where to begin!

When I got home, the new pool filter was sitting on the porch waiting for me! I was super excited about that, so I went out to the backyard, unhooked the old one, took the electrical cord from it, and then came inside to attached that same cord to the new filter. I was a little worried about doing this at first but it was actually very easy to set up!

Once I was ready to install the new one, I needed a little help. I'm trying not to lift anything heavy right now so I called my mom thinking she may be nearby on her way home from work. As it turned out, she was at the gym but she came over and helped me by carrying the new motor into place.

I installed it and got it all hooked up and ready to go! I was able to reuse the new o-rings and gaskets we had just bought a few weeks ago and we have two new ones, as well as the filter basket housing from the new one that we aren't using right now.

The moment of truth came and it was time to flip the switch! I recorded a video to send to Dan since he wasn't here to experience it! I figured if it went well or went horribly wrong, at least he'd be able to see it!

Luckily, I flipped the switch and everything went according to plan! I think the new motor is actually a little bit quieter than the old one which is a good thing!

After that, I went to Home Depot to get some supplies and then my mom and I went to Boston Market for dinner!

When I got home I took a bath and then showered up. I watched some TV and the night just went by so quickly.

Now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"packing" or "finally summer" - June 11, 2017
"more pool prep" or "80 degrees of summer" - June 10, 2017
"grandpa's impromptu 90th birthday party" - June 09, 2017
"server is serving" or "not another one" - June 07, 2017
server headaches - June 07, 2017