
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



Juen 12, 2017 - 10:38 p.m.
"kicked out of the club" or "another doctor visit"

Hey Journal!

Today was a busy day at work but I am now focused on getting everything squared away before I leave on Friday! I have to make sure nothing is lingering around.

We had two meetings today to discipline members of the club whose behavior is a little out of sorts! First, we met with one member, the one who threw a wine bottle across the patio, and told him that he was being kicked out of the club. He was nice and pretty calm but he just kept arguing that he was being treated unfairly by the other guy for three years and that's why he snapped and threw the wine bottle. I mean, I get that the other guy wasn't really nice to him BUT it doesn't mean that you can throw stuff at him. It was just crazy. Finally, Steve got through to him and told him he was out of the club. He accepted it and signed the release and we are getting ready to issue him a refund for his dues and deposit.

Later on me met with the other guy who was involved. What he did wasn't AS bad so he got a suspension for a few weeks. He can't play until July 1st.

The rest of the day was pretty busy, I paid some bills and worked like crazy to get as much done as possible. I had to leave early, at 3:30, and then I came home and showered up before I had my doctor's appointment. I figured I should take a shower in case she needed to examine me in my unmentionable areas but, as it turned out, she did not.

This was my regular doctor and I hadn't been to her since January when this all started but I needed to get a prescription from her to go see a physical therapist, so that's why I was back. She was surprised that the issue was still going on and she said she loves physical therapy. She gave me a prescription and then she also recommended a neurologist for me to see.

After that I headed home and on the way I called the physical therapist and made an appointment for this Thursday! She seems really nice and I'm very excited to see if she can help!

I stopped at a Pokemon Gym on the way home to get some coins and I am in desperate need of potions! I used to get them all the time at PokeStops and now I'm not getting any! It's crazy! I used to have so many and would throw them away to make room and now I can't find enough. It's crazy.

When I got home, I took a walk and then showered up. I had my leftover Cheesecake Factory meal for dinner and then I watched some Judge Judy!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"grand tetons" or "audio tour" - June 17, 2017
"isp to bwi to slc" or "welcome to wyoming" - June 17, 2017
"physical therapy" or "vacation starts now" - June 15, 2017
"neurologist" or "gabapentin" - June 14, 2017
"burning the evening oil" or "perfect weather" - June 13, 2017