
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 25, 2017 - 10:35 p.m.
back home, lots to do

Hey Journal!

This morning we got up around 9:30 and watched some TV and did some laundry! We caught up on Better Call Saul... we had missed two episodes and now the season is over! It was really good but I can't believe we probably have to wait another year for more! Ugh!

My ear was still hurting for most of the day and it's really driving me crazy. I just don't understand how all of this shit has to happen to ME! Why can't I catch a break! I really can only deal with one major crisis at a time and there's just been too much going on lately!

We took a water sample from the pool to bring to get tested at Leslie's and, for the first time in our pool history, they said out water was 100% perfect! Wow! I mean, that's a big deal and ESPECIALLY since we were gone for a week and haven't even done anything to the water! There were a few spots that looked like some algae MIGHT be trying to bloom so we bought some Algae Control which conveniently happened to be on sale today and we put some of that in when we got home.

For lunch we decided to go to a random pizza place over in East Northport -- near Cedarhurst Paper.. I don't even know what town that actually is. We drive around a little after that and checked out the new Pokemon Gym rearrangement! I wanted to see if any of the stops had converted to gyms while we were going! There are a few new ones in town but nothing too crazy! I'm holding out hope that the PokeStop at work will have been converted to a gym but I won't find out until tomorrow!

Next up, we went to Target and then we headed home.

We decided to go for a swim in the pool in the afternoon and my mom came over to join us. She helped take care of emptying the laves out of the pool baskets while we were going and so we had her over for a swim and Dan made turkey burgers for lunch. Originally we weren't going to eat anything but Dan decided he wanted to make the burgers.

We showed my mom the photos from our trip and then Dan and I watched some more Parenthood.

In the evening, I set aside a thirty minute block to do some Pidgey grinding! It was a long time coming... I had lots of new Pokemon that I had been saving up to evolve! It was great. I finished about a minute before my lucky egg ran out BUT the big annoying thing is that I forgot about three of the new ones! Ugh!

Anyway, now it's time for bed! Back to work tomorrow. Can't believe vacation is over!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"high blood pressure" or "grandma's 88th birthday" - June 30, 2017
john sebastian - June 29, 2017
heart racing - June 28, 2017
ears ringing - June 27, 2017
back to work - June 26, 2017