
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 13, 2017 - 10:23 p.m.
"another day, another doctor" or "pulsation"

Hey Journal!

Well, here we go again. Another weird medical problem for me. I literally feel like I'm falling apart and I don't know what to do to hold it together. I mean, this is INSANE. Let's take a small recap. From January 3 to now, I've been dealing with this crazy leg/groin pain. It's FINALLY started to get better. Then, I had that weird ear ringing issue followed by the high blood pressure and heart racing incident. As far as I can tell, the heart and blood pressure issue is in the past. Now I was just dealing with the ringing, but that was getting better, or so I thought.

Then, this morning I was woken up by a weird pulsation in my left ear. The closest thing I can compare it to is... you know when you run the dishwasher and then a little while later you hear that sound coming from the sink as the water drains from the dishwasher... well, that's kinda what I feel happening inside my ear. Another good example is when you get one of those weird twitches on your arm or your leg...somewhere you can't normally move or control... well, it feels like that starts happening inside my ear.

Anyway, when it happens, it lasts for about 10-30 seconds and it's really disorienting. It has had varying degrees of intensity and also frequency. In the morning it happened about once every 10 minutes or so. Then, in the afternoon at work, it happened only a handful of times. Then, when I got home I didn't have any for about two hours, but then had about 5 episodes in 30 minutes. It was kinda wild.

I got an emergency appointment with my doctor and went to get this checked out. She looked in my ear and said everything looks good. She said she suspected an ear infection but did not find one. She did say she saw a post-nasal drip and prescribed me some Flonase, Nasonex, and amoxicillin. I'm not 100% sure what the amox was for but I think she said it was just in case I had some sort of infection. Of course, I really hope that solves the problem because I really need to shake this. It's the weirdest one yet! I have no idea what to make of it.

And meanwhile it's such a perfect fit for my medical history. Another weird occurrence that has no explanation and no definite solution.

I am so ready to feel better. I need to shake all of this craziness. I need to be back to normal. NEED!

Anyway, I got to work at 10:30 and Re was already in working on the daily closes. We had a good, productive day but nothing too crazy happened and it was pretty typical.

It was super-hot outside and I think that made less people come out to play golf today.

Re and I ate lunch out on the patio this afternoon and I had the steak sandwich with broccoli. Also, a revelation I had today, I DID eat lunch yesterday! My mom came by and brought me a pizza from Target which explains why I was not really hungry for lunch when I was thinking about eating at 4pm.

I left work at 4:30 and headed to the post office to get the CPC mail. It had been a while and I really needed to stop by to pick up the goods.

Then, I came home, showered my lower extremities, and then headed to physical therapy. My physical therapist is amazing. She's super nice and always so helpful. She gave me a new stretch today that REALLY seems to cover the affected area!

I asked her a bunch of questions about nerve studies, physical therapy, cortisone shots, and more.

When we were done, I headed home and watched some TV and ate dinner. I had the sausage hero we got the other night and we watched World News.

Then, we went for a short walk around the neighborhood. We got back, I showered up, and then we watched an episode of Parenthood followed by a few Judge Judy's. Judge Judy was on fire, as always.

Now it's time for bed and thankfully tomorrow is FRIDAY! Weekend! NEEDED!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
mris - July 18, 2017
"when the numbers just don't add up" or "medical recap" - July 17, 2017
"party for aunt chickie" or "game of thrones returns" - July 16, 2017
"massage day" or "jen b's party" - July 15, 2017
"dan's grandma makes a withdrawal from the food bank" or "catfood italian" - July 15, 2017