
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 24, 2017 - 10:29 p.m.
a pokemon event to remember

Hey Journal!

Well, today was another amazing Pokemon day! It was the last day of the Pokemon Go Fest event and double candy, double XP, and all! I was excited for it when I woke up but I knew that being at work all day was going to severely limit the amount of time I could devote!

Things worked out really nicely, though. I was really hoping to be able to catch the second legendary Pokemon, Lugia! I was at work around 11:30 when I noticed that there was a raid battle going on at the little white church (now a synagogue) on Route 110! I was torn! I wanted to go, but it was also pouring outside and I was at work! I did have to go to the Post Office to get the CPC mail so I decided to make a trip out of it!

I left work and headed there. I was really expecting to be the only one there and not to be able to even start the raid. As I approached, I was stopped at the light across the street. I could see a few cars in the church parking lot and then more and more kept pulling in! I was going NUTS! I couldn't wait for the light to change and I was so afraid I was going to miss it!

As soon as the light changed, I crossed 110 and the two cars in front of me ALSO turned into the church parking lot! It was a tiny parking lot and I didn't have anywhere to go! Nobody did! A bunch of cars pulled in behind me and we all just stopped. It was still pouring outside. The guy in front got out of his car and he talked to some other people. I had no idea what was going on and I didn't want to waste my raid pass if this wasn't going to happen -- or if I was too late to get in with all the other people!

I knocked on the guy's window, he said they were starting now, so I got in! I was the 18th person! I quickly rearranged my Pokemon because it had picked really weird (and low CP) ones. The raid started shortly after and we were off! I held my own and did a good job but I was on 6/6 when we were reaching the end. I was terrified that I would get kicked out before the Pokemon was defeated and so I started dodging like crazy!

Thankfully, we did it! There was no cheering or screaming this time because we were all in our separate cars! I got 5 balls to try to catch it and I was really really nervous that it wasn't going to be enough!

I wound up my first curveball and threw.... IT CAUGHT! I WAS SO EXCITED! I can't even tell you how insane it was! I just sat there for about 5 minutes because I couldn't go anywhere. All the cars were blocked in!

I think the car in front of my came from Dan's work. I told him later. I called him up to tell him how crazy it was and how great it went!

Anyway, a few cars moved and then I maneuvered my way out. THere were still people pouring in as we were leaving! So insane and so amazing. I feel like they really need to release the rest of the legendaries like this. Very limited time and only a limited amount so people really have to come together! It's so perfect!

Now, for the rest of the day! I got up this morning, headed off to work and it was raining. The morning was pretty quiet and I used the time to get as much as possible prepped for the payroll tomorrow. Re came in at 10:30 and worked on the daily closes and then we had the crazy outing.

Their shotgun wasn't until 1:00 but for some reason they were all freaking out about the rain in the morning. We assured them that they would still golf because the forecast called for the rain to stop at 1:00. In the end, they would up going out at 1:30! It was great.

The day went by really fast for me. I don't know why! Re and I had some cereal for lunch because the outing didn't have a BBQ.

We ate out on the patio.

Re left work at 4:30 and I headed out at 5. I had to drop off a FedEx on the way home. Dan and I went to Domino's to get some pizza for dinner.

After we ate we went out to take full advantage of what was left of the Pokemon Go event! First, I used a lucky egg and evolved a bunch of Pidgeys and then we went out to take a walk. We walked around Kings Park and we caught a bunch more Pidgeys which I was immediately able to evolve. Then we hatched some eggs and then once the lucky egg was done, we came back home and walked some more to finish off the eggs I had in the incubators! It was great.

The event was extended because as of now, it's still going on. It was supposed to end at 8pm!

Dan and I showered up and then we got ready to watch Parenthood. We watched one episode and now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"wind and rain" or "tyranitar raid" - July 29, 2017
"miltank" or "smokin al's" - July 28, 2017
"pokemon event ends" or "ampharos" - July 27, 2017
"togetic" or "dragonite" - July 26, 2017
pokemon mania continues! - July 25, 2017