
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 30, 2017 - 10:46 p.m.
"teen wolf: the final season" or "plot reconciliation"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up and headed off to work. I was feeling pretty tired so I hit the snooze button on my phone before getting up, getting ready, and heading out.

I stopped on the way to work to pick up a new toner cartridge for our copy machine. The place where you have to go is such an odd place. You go through this little door that says "Supply Pickup" on it and then you're literally in a cage. It's so wild. You have to wait for the guy to come and open the door on the other side to give you your supplies.

Work today was good, nothing too crazy happened. I worked on reconciling the BHH money from 2016. The new program I wrote yesterday is amazing and REALLY helped me to do this much faster than in the past.

I conferred with Brian from the cemetery, we corrected the issues, and then we were good to go! There was just one plot that we couldn't figure out and Brian realized he never collected payment for a plot sold back in 2016. They are going to take care of collecting the money and then we're all set.

For lunch today I had chicken au poivre and corn on the cob.

I left work at 5 and headed home. I stopped to get a couple of gyms on my way home from work and then watched some Judge Judy.

After that Dan and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and then we came home and went out to Carrabba's for dinner. We had a 50% off reward to use and I got the steak. The steak wasn't so great -- it had a funky taste to it but, as usual, the chicken soup was incredible. We also used a GCZ gift card so we saved over 12% on what we did pay.

We came home after that and I showered up and then we watched another episode of Teen Wolf! The season is weird, as always, but it's the last one and I couldn't give up on it after all this time. I do love Michael Johnston.

So now it's time for bed. Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
labor day 2017 - September 06, 2017
extra vaganza - September 03, 2017
"hanging out with shawn and owen" - September 02, 2017
"goodbye, summer. it was like you were never here." or "raikou" - September 01, 2017
last PT, a birthday special - August 31, 2017