
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 19, 2017 - 10:44 p.m.
trying to get an early start

Hey Journal!

Today I decided to get an early start and try to get as much work done as possible before people came in to the office.

Dan and I left at the same time and, just my luck, the traffic was unusually bad today. I got to work around 8:30 and started getting things done. I made a little progress but I'm falling behind on some stuff that I need to keep up with.

Once Dan's dad came in and then Steve, I really didn't get too much accomplished. We were into the Ripple and Litecoin prices all day long. I made a great spreadsheet to track my investments because the websites we used don't show you gain/loss. It's annoying, though... I was up about $134 early in the day and as the day went on it started slipping. I left work up only about $34! UGH! This fake money trading is really volatile.

I left work at 5:00 and headed home. Dan and I got home around the same time and I opened my package that came in the mail. I had ordered some new shirts and stuff online and I wanted to see how they looked. I am going to wear one of the sweaters I got tomorrow! Woo!

Dan and I watched one episode of Turn and then I took a shower. When I got back, we watched 10 Days in the Valley. The now-cancelled show is being shown on Saturdays and I didn't even realize it was starting back up this week. I didn't hate it and I am curious to see how it ends.

Then we watched one more episode of Turn before getting ready for bed.

Now it's time for sleep. Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"innkeeper #1 & #2" or "pink ham" or "christmas eve" - December 25, 2017
"kristen" or "julio" or "jen b" or "christmas eve eve" - December 24, 2017
"restaurant closed for the season" or "store life" - December 22, 2017
scrambled eggs in the back seat - December 21, 2017
new day, new loan - December 20, 2017