
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 22, 2003 - 1:20 p.m.
survey anyone?

Hola again... I finally finished the survey I was working on in last night's entry.. so here it is! It got a little messed up because I closed it and hadda start over, but it's all good now.

Last Night's Entry

Typical Statistics

Name: Brian Warren B********
Age: 19
Home: Nesconset, New York
Hair color: ehh.. Light brown....(I don't even have to finish the sentence, you all know what I'm gonna say....)
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5�8.5�
Date of birth: September 27, 1983
Sign: Libra
Status: Single
Shampoo brand I Use: I think it's Finesse for Color Treated hair, although my hair is not color-treated, but whatever.
Cologne: lol...Jen B taught me how to put on cologne!
Plastic surgery - where:� Noooo...never
Time of birth:� I don't remember... I will have to consult with my mother on that one!
What my name would have been if I were born a girl: Kerri Ann
First girl I kissed: Oh wow, I'm pathetic.
Last girl I kissed: And that would mean I would have had to have kissed SOMEONE
First guy I kissed: see above and above
Last guy I kissed: see above and above and above
First international news event I remember: yeah...Gulf War I think.. I don't remember anything before that...
Favorite ice cream: Vanilla or Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite food: Steak, PFR, Chicken, Pizza.. etc
Food I hate: Fish!!

Most redeeming physical quality: Maybe my eyes...
Least redeeming physical quality: My thinness

Cavities:� Three, I think...
Broken bones:� Nope, never!
Stitches: 1) My heel after stepping on glass at the beach!
2) Between my toes after running into a wall with my cousin..
STAPLES:� Ten staples in my head after jumping and hitting my head on the ceiling in Jen's basement.

Favorite Cable Channel: Nick At Nite! YEAH!
Favorite TV shows: Cosby, The Practice, 20/20, Everwood, etc.

Candidate I voted for in 1988:� I think I was too young to vote in that election, sorry.

Tattoos: None, and I do not want one lol.
Pets: None of thosee.
Dyed hair?: Nope, but there was that one time for 4-days when my hair was blond!! Ahhh (JC's party! 2001)
Bed Time: Whenever I get tired and fall asleep... Hopefully it's not toooo late!

Do you find yourself attractive:� Actually no.. LOL� but I hope that other people do cause I guess that's more important...
Do you think you are cute?: I don't know.. but I told someone at work today, "I know I'm weird...but I hope it's weird in a cute way!"
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:� Nope
Do you do drugs?:� Nope
Do you drink?:�� Only once so far.... Kyle's party, yo.

What are you most scared of?:� I dunno...�

How many phones in your house?:� Four...2 Wired:� (One in my Kitchen, on in G-ma's Room)�� 2 Cordless:� Mine and the other one, both based in Grandma's room lol!��� Cells: 2� Mine (yay Verizon) and Grandma's (at&t eww)�

How many TV's do you have in your house?: four? ... yeah, four!
What are you listening to right now?:� the sound of the central air and the tv...Three's company

Who are you talking to right now?:� noone, everyone just got offline
What clothes do you sleep in?:� usually boxers and an undershirt
Who is the last person who called you?:� Kristen while I was on line at the movies

If you could have 1 wish what would it be?: Cheese.
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: My appearance.
Who do you really hate?: I dunno, I don't think I really hate anyone.. so that's probably good!
Do you wish on stars?: Nah... I look at them... and I WISH that I could WISH on them, but It's not gonna come blah

Any bad habits?: Biting my nails...and always trying to stop

What store would you never be caught dead in?: KMART� (LOL yeah... K-Mart... EXCEPT for when we do our annual random shopping day (Jen and Robby))

If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you?:� gee, I hope so!
Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: Yeah.. but not recently..
Do looks matter?: Yeah, but they aren't everything!

Have you ever met anyone famous?: Hmm.. Diane Sawyer, Charles Gibson, lots of other ABCNews people... but not Barbara Walters... :(� I wish....
AND I poked Melissa Joan Hart in the back at TRL!! YEAHH!

Are you trendy?: Haha no.
What do you do to vent anger?:� I write in my journal or call my friends!!� Thank god they listen!
Are you passive or aggressive?: Depends on the situation!
Who is your second family?: LoL definitely my friends.. BIG N!!!� as Re said to me, "We love you beneet, we are your fam."
Do you trust others easily?: I trust people until they give me a reason not to.� yup..
What class in high school did you think was totally useless?:� DNA was ridiculous, but I had so much FUNNN!
Do you like sappy love songs?: Sometimes.
Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?:� Yeah, I guess so...
Do you like sarcasm?: Yes, it is enjoyable.� And with the help of Sam's handy sarcasm detector, all is well!
Do you feel understood most of the time?: No...Only by my friends.. LOL� Like I was saying to Jen and Kristen.. we are a different KIND of people..� and we totally understand eachother... but other people would probably be a little disturbed by the things we do/say! LOL

Have you thought seriously about committing suicide?: Nope...
Could you be a vegetarian?:� Nooo way!� I like Steak, Chicken, Hamm.. way too much
Would you ever bungee jump?:� No, not really... I don't find that to be too exciting lol
Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: haha NO!� I don't think I've tied them in a few weeks, actually...
Do you like to drive fast?:� Yeah
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: lol Yes... Puppy and Curious George!
If you could meet one person dead or alive?:� Barabara Walters... I fear I will never get to meet her, and that will make me sad.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: Yup
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: I have no Idea.. but for now, I just want a New job..
Get along with parents?:� Yeah.� Mother and I get along..� I argue a lot... but nevertheless we get along well...
Who have you been friends with the longest?: Jen B, Since Kindergarten, YEAH!

What are you thinking right now?: Why am I filling this out AGAIN after It got erased the first time...
Best thing that happened to you today: the 1 hour since I woke up... I don't even think anything can qualify yet. LOL

Color:� Blue
Candy: SPREE, Nerds, Skittles, etc.
Place: Disney!!
Holiday: Christmas
Number: 7, 15, 21...
Radio Station: lol.. I guess it'd have to be Star 99.9, even though I listen to BLI more often in the car and all.. but Star has special qualities... (My Yates, for one)
Animal: Dogs are my fav pet-type-animal... which I guess you wouldnt believe from the way I do not like them near me.. BUT... I like them when they don't bother me! LOL
Store:� lately I have been buying all my clothes at Aeropostal�.. but.. if we arent talking clothes... then Best Buy.. cause I get lots of things I don't really need there... and that's what it's all about lol
Game:� Im gonna go with board game, and say Scrabble!� YEAH!�
Soda:� Coke
Month: June or July... I think.. LOL those summerish months...
Type of music: I like so many strange types of music.. i Cant classify such things

Album: I love my New Found Glory CDs!
Sport to watch:� Baseball...
Juice: Orange, Apple....
Season: Summer

Have you ever:

Smoked?: Nope
Drank?:� I can FINALLY say YES! wow.
Gotten drunk?:� Yeah...
Broke the law?:� I try to do that on a daily basis..
Stole something?:� I steal anything that Isn't for sale.. lol� anyhting that wasn't Intended to be sold.. Like the signs from the tables in restaurants, or the APPLE BASKET in Applebees... random cutlery... (wow, this all has to do with restaurants)�� Psych Center signs, and the like.....

Tried to kill yourself?: Nooo
Made yourself throw up?:� Noppe
Been in love?: Ahhhhhh?
Gone skinny dipping?:� Yeah.. but I was little..�� Except for the times in Ian's pool when we all took turns�

Fallen asleep in the shower/bath?:� Nope.. I dont wanna drown.. lol
Ate ice cream with a fork?:�
Played pin the tail on the donkey?:� YES!� Fav Experience from that... MY COUSIN DAVID SPUN AROUND then walked the wrong way; down the hallway, out the front door and down the driveway..... ok, so of course it was on purpose... but it was amazingly funny!!!

Played spin the bottle?:� Nope
Moved and had to leave behind all of your friends?:� Nope.. I have been here since almost forever lol
Sent your pic to someone online you didn't know?:� Yeah
Been on radio or television?:� I have been on the audience shots of Good Morning America (3 times), and TRL (5 times)..� I also got into TRL with my sign once.. and they introduced me on TV.. so that was hot...

Said "I love you" and meant it?:� well.. I say it to friends that I love, and I mean it..
Made prank calls?:� lol yes... though now I find it more amusing to call payphones...�

Skipped school?: Never in HS... Never missed a single day! (except Senior Cut day, but I worked that one out.. I went in for a few mins, then signed out, so I wouldn't get an absence for it! YEAH)
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?:� lol i guess so
Met the president?: Nope
Been scared to get a shot?:� I have been.. but no longer.. I don't care about that anymore...
Been on a plane?:� Nope, never, yo.
Actually seen your crush naked?: no
Broken someone's heart:� I don't know...
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?: YES...
Lied?:� I have... I try not too.. It just COMPLICATES things, and then comes back to hurt you later

Sat by the phone waiting for a call all night?:� Yes..
Wished you were someone else?:� Yeah... a lot... lol� but not dwelling on it
Wished you were a member of the opposite sex?:� Nope
Wanted to look differently?: Yes�
Cried because of someone's words?:� yeah.

Do You Believe In?

Angels?: yes...� (but not the way crazy lady does)
Aliens?:� Not really...
Ghosts?:� No
Heaven & Hell?: Yes
God?: Yes
Love at first sight?:� Perhaps
Kissed on the first date?:� Do I believe in it?� Sure.� Have I ever done it?? Of course not. (LOSER)
Monsters?:� I do.. And I can say that with certainty because there is one living under my bed right now... but we have come to an agreement on sharing my room, so It's ok.

Horoscopes?:� I sometimes read them for Fun... and I love "Steve and Maria's Wacky Horoscopes" (6:55 and 8:55!!!)� Aww HS memories!
Cheating?: Do I believe in cheating?� nah.. cheating = bad.

Ok.. that was a very abrupt ending....

The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016