
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 22, 2004 - 1:53 p.m.
"a 58 question wonder"


1. When were you born: September 27, 1983

2. Where were you born: West Virginia....Very very Scary.

3. What was your first grade teacher's name: Mrs. Bedell (The person who I copied this from wrote "I don't remember.... I'm sorry, but I just don't think that's normal... I can see not remembering your 10th grade English teacher, but 1st Grade? Who doesn't remember that!)

4. What was your first pets name and what was it: I have a fish. I think it was named Fish.

5. What was your worst accident (medical): When I stepped on the glass at the beach and had to get stitches!

6. What was your favorite cartoon: DuckTales! Amazing, and forever loved.

7. Who was your first best friend: When? I didn't really have friends in the "past".

8. When was the first time you ever went on a plane: I have never traveled by plane. Sad, I know.

9. Who was your 4th Grade Teacher: Ms. Ruggeri, all this interest in elementary school!

10. What was your favorite song when you were in the 5th grade: I didn't listen to music then!

11. What was your favorite movie in the 2nd grade: I have NO Idea.

12. What did you want to be when you grew up: Much like today, I had no idea!13. What used to be your favorite color: Blue

14. What was your favorite subject: Math

15. Did you ever wet your pants at school: Nope

16. Did you ever get sent to the principal: No! Only bad kids went there!!

17. Did you ever start a food fight: No, in my observance, they never occured, and that's kinda sad.

18. What was your worst fear: Getting in trouble at school for not doing what I was supposed to. Iin fact my biggest fear is illustrated in this story, It was second grade and we had a ditto of math problems to do. Everyone was supposed to do the Ditto, Bring it to the back table, have it graded, and then go on to their other work, but for some reason, I thought that we were supposed to stop working on the ditto. Then a little while later I realized I wasn't supposed to.. so seeing as I didn't finish it, and everyone was almost done getting graded.. I went back, got on line, threw the paper under the teacher's desk, and went back to my seat, to avoid getting in trouble for doing the wrong thing, and not finishing my ditto!

19. What was your favorite toy: Legos

20. Did you ever suck your thumb: Nope, but I always bit my nails! :(


21. What time is it: 1:38pm

22. What's the date: September 22, 2004

23. What grade are you in: That whole college Senior thing.

24. Who is your favorite celebrity: Well, I love my Barbara who has now left 20/20!

25. What is your favorite movie: I love Bushwhacked, and Follow that Bird, and Harry Potter is hot.26. What is your favorite song: At the moment I enjoy America-Sister Golden Hair, and Kelly Clarkson-Breakaway, but who knows, that could change!27. Do you have any pets: Nope

28. If so what are their names: ---

29. What was your favorite subject in school: Math and US History

30. What color of hair do you have: Light Brownish

31. What kind of music do you listen to: Whatever's on the radio and comes in on this radio!

32. Do you still watch cartoons: Not on a regular basis, but I see no reason why cartoons are not good.

33. What is your favorite TV show: Still enjoying Everwood and trivia such as Jeopardy

34. Do you get online often: I'm on more now than in the summer, summer was just TOO busy

35. What's your worst fear: death and such

36. What's your favorite color: Dark Blue / Red

37. What state do you live in: New York

38. Do you have a car: Yes, a great Ford Focus, It makes me smile like no other!

39. What's your favorite type of food: Pizza, PFR, and Chicken

40. Do you drive: Well, Yes I do. I just got my license renewed, in fact. For when I turn 21!


41. What do you want to be when you grow up: Someone who knows what they are doing.

42. Do you want to go to college: I DO go to college! How exciting!

43. Where do you want to live? : Smithtown is a very nice town, and I have no problem with this island!

44. Would you want to move away? Well clearly I don't, But It is very nice to take vacations and trips, because there are so many fun and exciting places to see around! Even without theme parks and such, such great towns and natural things to see.

45. Do you want to have kids: Some day

46. What kind of car do you want: I don't really care, I'm happy with what I have now, for now.

47. At what age do you think you'll live to be: Nice and Old, but not senile.

48. Where do you want to live when you're 35? 322 Watercrest Drive. I dont know.

49. What movie do you want to see next Saturday night: This saturday night I will not be seeing any movies, thank you, social planner.

50. What time do you think you will go to bed when you're 70 (if you plan to live that long): 10:15pm, "If you plan to live that long?" Like... Oh no.. sorry.. I plan on living till 65. Once I turn 66 I'm leaving of my own accord.

51. Do you think you will have the same friends as you do now: Well, time tells, but you'd think so, but you never know.

52. Do you think everyone will be jealous of you at your 10th high school reunion: No, but I also don't think I will be jealous of people at my 10th Highschool reunion. Half the people we graduated with were stupid anyway, and I don't care what they did with their lives!

53. Do you want to be president of the U.S.: No

54. Do you want to walk on the moon: No, Dance.

55. Do you want to be famous: Not really.

56. What kind of housing do you want to live in: All I ask is a regular, everyday house..

57. What color do you think your hair will be when you're 50: Brown!

58. Do you think you will still have the same personality when you're 60: Yeah, I think personality changes are often perceived by the people who perceive them who have changed themselves and don't realize it yet! LOL If that makes sense!

Okay, 58 is a random number, but this came from some random person's journal on DLand! lol

Adios for now! :)

The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016