
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 11, 2005 - 11:13 p.m.
"nesconset day" or "pfr picnic"

Hey Journal!

Today I got to sleep late.. until about 10:30, I think. I got up and had the urge to watch some of my favorite scenes from the OC! Ugh I love it! I showed my mom some of my favorites, too! She didn't really get it because she doesn't have the history.. but WOW! I have included a little tiny clip of my favorite scene from all two seasons. It's when there's this Coldplay song playing, and they are going around to all the different scenes.. then they come back to the Pool scene with Julie and Cal...and Cal has his heart attack and falls into the pool. Julie comes out of the cabana thing with the drink, sees him in the pool, drops the drink and dives in after him! I LOVE THIS SCENE, I LOVE THE MUSIC, I LOVE THE WAY IT CAME TOGEHTER! AHHH I LOVE THE OC!

So, there's the sound..and unless you know the OC, you probably think I'm nuts.

So anyway, after that I got ready for Nesconset Day and took a shower. Dan came and we walked from here down to the NESCONSET PLAZA where they Nesconset Day is always held. I was amazed that they finally put up that crazy Gazebo. Let me give you the history of it. Over a year ago, they started building this gazebo. Over that time, every few weeks a few more pieces of wood appear and the formation starts to take place. Fast Forward... Three days ago, they had finally put the wooden slats for the roof in place.. THEN BAM! All of a sudden someone lights a fire under their ass, and they get the thing completed by today! Wow. There was no reason that should have taken that all!

So we walked around, got some free things...Including a cool pop0out Frisbee thing from Commerce Bank, and a really nice sewing kit from LIPA. LIPA also gave me a broken flashlight keychain, and I was bitter about that.

We walked around, then headed to Dragon. SAD NEWS... I think that Dragon was sold to new owners. The lady who was always there was not there tonight, also the FROG BOX was taken away, and there was just a different FEEL there. Then, I talked to Jen B later in the day, she said that they started making the Tso differently! This is very upsetting.. but they still have my wonderful that makes me happy!

I can't believe it though... they have provided us with such quality Chinese food since the HS days! For them to just disappear from my life makes me so sad.

Anyway, Kristen met us for Chinese food at dragon, and we had a PFR picnic at Gibbs! Kristen brought some of her school stuff, and we sat there, it was a very nice day!

After that, Kristen went home to do more work planning her classes for the next few days, so Dan and I went to Hoyt farm! We visited the animals, and fed leaves to the the goats. It was fun times!

After that, we went back to Dan's and hung around there for a while... They had a little BBQ tonight, and we had hamburgers! :) Yumm!

I was about to head home for the night, but Jen B called me and wanted to go for a spin in her new car! :) So we met her and Allie and went to Starbucks, then drove around in the convert for a while. Stopped by Kristen's house and showed her the new vehicle, and then called it a night!

I got home and ate a Frozen pretzel, and now it's time for bed!

Tomorrow I have work at 9, and then Prison Break is on Fox! Should be good!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016