
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 06, 2013 - 10:49 p.m.
"railroad crossing" or "team spaghetti and meatballs"

Hey Journal!

This morning I headed off to work, and although there was no traffic, I still had a ridiculous episode! I usually go through some side streets to get to work because I have to stop at the PO Box to pick up the CPC mail. However, today I was running a couple of minutes late and so I decided to go the more normal way to work. Now, the only way that the "normal" way would be slower is if the train was coming and the barriers were down!

Of course, as I approached the railroad tracks, the train came and the barriers went down. I figured I had made a bad choice, but it should have only cost me a minute or two. Unfortunately, after the train passed, the things didn't go back up!!! I was sitting there for 10 MINUTES AND NOTHING HAPPENED!! Are you SERIOUS!?

Now, you may be asking yourself, why didn't I just turn around and go the other way? Well, that's an excellent question, and the answer is because I was FREAKING TRAPPED! First, I would have just turned down the next side street, but I couldn't because all of the people in the cars in front of me hadn't yet given up waiting, so I couldn't go forward. Then, I could have just turned around... but NO... they are doing roadwork and the entire center of the road is a big dirt ditch!!

I had to wait until about 5 people, one and a time, decided that they were going to get outta there, and then FINALLY I could move up enough to turn down the next street. I made my way back, and went the way I should have gone from the beginning!

Work was quiet today, we were closed, of course... and I got a lot of work done. I had a few things that I had put off at the end of last week and so I really made an effort to get them done today.

Kyle brought his payroll down and he had people who didn't have their proper paperwork yet. Steve wasn't happy, and he told him that's not acceptable, and never to do it again!

In the afternoon, a weird old man came to the front door and it was quite an odd visit. First off, we watched him in the camera, he got out of his car, and walked soooooo slowly up to the WRONG door. When he started heading for the front door, I went up to see what he was looking for. I looked out the window and didn't see him, so I opened the door slowly just in case he was standing right there! He was so old and frail looking... and he was standing on the step right outside the door. He asked me to help him up the steps, and I did.... while holding the door open with the other hand so we both didn't get locked out!

He was like the male version of the "old beggar woman" from Beauty and the Beast! He said, "I just want to come inside for a minute, and then I'll leave." I was kinda confused by that, but I asked him if he was looking to have a party or event. He replied, "I don't know... I haven't seen the place yet!" He came in, looked around, and asked me "Are you guys successful??" Again, I was kinda confused, but I told him we get a good lunch crowd and that there are a lot of parties in the clubhouse. He then asked about the price of membership, so I got Pete for that! Pete gave him the rundown on membership, although I can't imagine that this man could golf. He could barely walk! Pete told him the cart fee, and he said "Oh, I can't even get into a cart with my back!"

He was a really nice guy, and it seemed like he had a funny sense of humor...but I can't believe that he could drive!! It was definitely an odd visit. Pete helped him down the steps and then he got back to his car.

After that, the day went by quickly and I went home around 4:15.

I got home, watched the news a little, went online, and then when Dan got home we went to the gym!

I did alright tonight, but my foot was bothering me a little again tonight! I don't know what the problem is, but it needs to fix itself sooooooon!

Gym Report:
50 Crunches at 50lbs
60 Chest Presses at 35lbs
1 mile on the Treadmill in 14 mins
1 mile on the Treadmill in 18 mins
2 miles on the EBike in 8mins

The lady at the check-in desk commented on my shirt today! I was repping Team Spaghetti and Meatballs and she said it was a great shirt to work out in! That made my night. Wooop!

It was still a little hot in the gym tonight, although towards the end, I felt like the AC kicked in a little bit. I was also thinking that maybe it was just me, but everyone I tell about the gym being hot says they have been to gyms that have been freezing cold! Jerry has a gym at work and he says the people working out are always comfortable but he's always freezing when he goes in there! I can't understand this craziness!

Alas, I got home, showered up, and then Dan and I watched last night's Apprentice! I was very happy with the outcome... Lisa and Penn's thing was much better. I always feel like I know who the winner is going to be but I get so scared that for some weird reason they are gonna twist it around! I also like how the executives said "it was a real toss up" and then Donald says "they liked yours better BY FAR!"

Cray cray!

So, off to bed now! Work tomorrow... I am going to be trying to set aside some time to play with some new toys we're getting. They are LONG RANGE wireless transmitters! We're trying to extend a LAN over about 750 feet! This is gonna be interesting. I hope the trees don't mess it up!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016