
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



October 10, 2015 - 12:54 a.m.
"dark as night"

Hey Journal!

This morning I headed off to work and was so happy that it was finally Friday. This week has really dragged for me and I'm not sure why. I'm really excited that I have a THREE DAY WEEKEND to look forward to now! I feel like I needed it.

Work today was pretty quiet except that I was stressed for most of the day about receiving some check images of a deposit we made at the end of September. There was a discrepancy and without the check images we had no way of knowing which check had the issue. It's been holding up the monthly billing for over a week now!

For lunch today I ordered the pasta special which, on the website, was listed as pasta with meat sauce. After ordering it, I got a call from the restaurant because they were certain I couldn't have wanted the actual pasta special. At some point during the week it changed from what it originally was to this thing with shrimp and peppers and lots of other crazy things! At least they know me well enough to know that would never be okay for me. Instead I just got pasta with butter, garlic, and chicken.

Dan's mom paid some bills today and the then at about 3:00 we got the check images. We both went through all of the checks that were rung up that day and, after about an hour of researching the problem, we finally figured out what had happened. In addition to two incorrect check amounts (one for $10 more than it should have been and one for .60 less than it should have been,) we found that one of the checks that was rung up to someone's account NEVER made it to the bank. Where did it go? I have no idea. Strangely enough, the garbage in that office had never been emptied and I went through the see if the check was in there by mistake. It wasn't, and I even checked upstairs by the register. No luck. Very odd.

Anyway, I corrected the error and then ran the monthly bills. I had hoped to get them printed and stuffed this morning but I couldn't. By the time they were ready to be printed it was 4:45 and I wouldn't have had enough time to wait for them to print out.

I left work at 5:02 and headed home. The traffic was moderate and the closer I got to home the darker the sky got! It started to drizzle around Harned Road on the Sagtikos and then as I approached the water tower on Indian Head it started to POUR! The lighting was crazy, too! There were some giant bolts and the sky was lighting up. They looked like they were right over the direction of our house!

When I got home it was dark as night and the rain was coming down even harder.

Our plan for the evening was to go over to Dan's parents' house to celebrate Dan's Dad's birthday. Since we had to be there around 7:30, Dan rode the treadmill tonight instead of going to the gym. I watched the news and the very beginning of World News, and then we headed off.

We had a nice Lasagna dinner and then we hung out and enjoyed the evening. The rain stopped shortly after we arrived.

Later on we sang happy birthday but there was no cake this year. Only apple pie and ice cream. I had some ice cream since I am not a fan of the apple pie.

We hung out and did random stuff like the cryptoquote, jumble, and sudoku! Dan and his dad watched the Mets game that was on tonight and it started at 9:45. I stayed until about 10:45 but then I was getting tired and decided to head home.

Dan stayed and so when I got home I took a shower and got ready for bed.

The game ended around 12:30 and Dan just got home a little while ago. He's showering up now and then we're going to get off to bed!

Until tomorrow..

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016